Chp XII: A Reunion

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Y/N: So you really are my dad?

We were both silent for a minute until Nawaki spoke up.

Nawaki: Yes...look I know you may be mad for not being there for you but I just want to say-

I immediately hugs him catching him by surprise.

Y/N: Sob. I'm really happy to know who's my dad even get to meet him.

Nawaki then hugs back as we share our moment.

Y/N: So what happens next?

Nawaki: Well right now you're not dead, just unconscious after taking a lot of beating.

Y/N: Oh. Wait, your last name is senju as in the Senju clan.

Nawaki: That's right, it also mean that you're a senju as well.

Y/N: Ha! I knew I was part of a clan, just didn't know which one.

Nawaki: Sigh. you've grown a bit and you became a ninja. If only your mother would've seen you first.

Y/N: So I'm actually alone, the last senju?

Nawaki: Not exactly. There is another, your aunt Tsunade.

Y/N: One of the legendary sannin like Jiraya!?

Nawaki: Yup. But the reason she wouldn't take raise you was because of my death and her husband. She needed time away to heal after watching us died.

Y/N: Oh...

Nawaki: She couldn't bare the pain of her lost. I just hope you'll understand once you meet her. Because she loves you as I do and your mother.

Y/N: That's...really good to know, really. I'm glad that I know my family. Curious. So is there any other family I need to know?

Nawaki: Smirk. Well your great grandfather is Hashirama Senju and it looks like you inherited his wood release.

Y/N:...Huh, that would've explain a lot. Smiles. I can't wait to tell my friends.

Nawaki: I'm sure they'll be surprise.

Y/N: Chuckles. Bet Tenten would be more surprise if I tell her too.

Nawaki: Who's that? Your girlfriend?

Y/N: Blushes. N-n-no I didn't say that. Uh who we're talking again?

Nawaki: Chuckles. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. Not like what happened between me and your mom.

Y/N: Huh, what happened?

Nawaki sweat as he remembers the last time he got her mad.

Nawaki: Just...don't get her mad.

Y/N: Oh um...OK?....Sniff sniff. Wait I smell something!

Nawaki: Huh? Realizes. Guess our time is up Y/N.

Y/N: Huh!? But I still have so many questions! Like-

Nawaki: I'm sure you'll have those answers soon. Beside, your friends are probably waiting for you.

Y/N: Will I be able to see you again?

Nawaki: Without dying? Probably, but I'll say hi to your mom oh and say hi to Tsunade for me and um that I'm sorry. Grow strong and farewell...Y/N Senju.


3rd POV

We see Hinata, Kiba, Akamaru, and Shino visiting at the hospital where Y/N is. Kiba decided to make oden for Y/N if he ever wakes up.

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