Chapter 6 - Part 2

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In the end we had decided to choose each other's rings. There were still so many things we needed to discuss and decision we had to make which I planned on addressing but I needed a break from the whole wedding thing and analyzing how differently I was seeing Angel.

That night I spent another restless night tossing and turning. I beat my pillow but no matter what I tried I couldn't get comfortable. I was too hot and the bed was too hard.

I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling trying to figure out what was bugging me so much that sleep had become so elusive. I heard a commotion and sat up.

It sounded like someone yelled and a door slammed, shaking the door frame. Then it sounded like multiple voices. I couldn't make out if they were arguing or not. What the hell was going on?

Feeling nervous but too inquisitive to remain in the bed I slid out and got my dressing gown. I tightened the belt before I opened my door.

"Who did this?" It sounded like Angel it was coming from downstairs.

Then someone groaned.

"Where's the doctor?" The voice was familiar but I was too far away to place it.

Quietly, I descended the stairs and followed the commotion to the kitchen. I wasn't not prepared in anyway for what I witnessed.

It was chaos. There was a guy whose face I couldn't see on the counter. Angel stood with his hands pressed against his shoulder as the injured guy groaned in pain. There was another guy with his hands against another injury on his side. There was blood. So much blood, it dripped and pooled on the floor. The crimson red was bold against the white tiles. The sight of it would made me faint but it was like my mind couldn't process what was happening because there was so much going on. The metallic smell of the blood hit my nostrils and I felt my stomach turn.

James, Angel's second in charge was cutting the guys shirt off. There was blood on his hands as he worked methodically. He was so calm while I was on the verge of hyperventilating. My breath was stuck in my lungs as I watched James remove the shirt before he began took over pressing his hands to the wound just below the guy's rib cage.

It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. I had seen violence, guns, drugs, overdoses, prostitution but never anything like this. The guy looked like he was bleeding to death right in front of me.

Then the front door banged open making my heart slam in my chest and I turned to see another guy dressed in a suit rush straight past me to the injured guy. It was no one had noticed me standing there watching it all go down, they were all too focussed on the guy who was injured.

"How many times has he been shot?" The man who just arrived asked James as he took at look at the wound James lifted his hands from.

"Twice, I think."

I reached out to touch the wall, feeling like the my world was tilting. I drew in a hard breath knowing if I didn't I was going to faint right where I stood.

Then the guy who was on the table turned and I finally got a look at his face.

It couldn't be. I inhaled sharply. Bruno laying on the table. His eyes met mine and I couldn't look away.

The shouting increased but I couldn't make out what was being said as it felt like my heartbeat was drowning everything out around me. My only senses that seemed to be working was what I was seeing.

Then through everything I heard Angel say my name. "Kira?"

I lifted my eyes to meet his. There was a steak of blood on his cheek. I closed my eyes to stop from seeing the blood everywhere.

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