Chapter 25 - Part 2

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A few minutes later we were ready to leave. James was in the back of the car with the driver and Angel was going to drive back. There were a few bullets holes but luckily enough it started without an issue. I was in no state to drive otherwise I would have offered. I just wanted to decompress and sort through the hectic events.

"What about your friend?" I asked, knowing Kaiden had lent the place from a friend.

"I'll let her know what happened but she will go with any story we want." He shrugged.

"I'll cover the damages," Angel offered and Kaiden nodded.

"You sure I can't drive you back?" Kaiden asked me but I shook my head.

I didn't want to be apart from Angel. After everything we had been through I didn't want to let him out of my sight, not even for a second.

I shook my head interlinking my hand with Angel. My brother saw the affectionate action and nodded.

The adrenaline was wearing off and I was tired. The sight of the men who had died trying to kill me didn't illicit any empathy. It had either been them or me and the people I loved most. There was no choice.

Angel led me to the passenger side of the car. I let him take over. He put my seatbelt on as I curled up on my side. He got in the car and started it up.

I closed my eyes, finally being able to feel like I was safe for the first time since it had happened.

We had only been driving for ten minutes before Angel braked suddenly. A car had turned in front of us stopping us dead. Kaiden stopped, coming up beside us.

It was still dark and hard to make out the identities of the men who got out of the car.

I jolted. Adrenaline pumping again. Had the guys changed their minds and come back to finish us off?

"What's going on?" James asked.

"We have company," Angel answered without any of the fear pumping through my veins.

Would it ever stop? It felt like we had been fighting one long battle with no end in sight.

Angel put the car in reverse and was about to hit the gas when he stopped.

The tallest man stepped directly under the street light and his features were revealed.

"It's your father," Angel said before I recognized the man.

"Where is she?" Andrew demanded.

Angel stopped me with a hand to my wrist when I made a move to get out of the car.

"I'll be fine," I assured him before he reluctantly released me.

I opened the door. The men beside my father drew their guns cautiously but lowered them when I got out of the car.

"Kira," Andrew gasped and walked over to hug me so tight I couldn't breathe.

I heard Angel get out of the car to watch us.

Enemies brought together with the same goal. To protect me.

"We're okay. Angel got us out of it."

My father's arms tightened on me. "If he had been prepared like he should have been it wouldn't have been so dire."

How on earth did he know all the details when it had happened under an hour ago?

"How do you know what happened?" I asked, brushing off his criticism of Angel. If he had seen how Angel had talked our way out of the situation he would respect him. I didn't know of anyone who could do what he had done.

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