Chapter 26 - Part 1

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Sometime during the night when it was still dark I opened my eyes. I was curled up against Angel, the warmth from his body warmed mine and I sighed. The love I felt from him made it difficult to take a breath. He was all consuming.

For a little while I lay there staring at him, the light from the moonlight illuminated his features, and feeling the steady beating of his heart against my hand on his chest. I was exactly where I wanted to be. I moved my hand lightly across his chest, trying to smother the fear that I had nearly lost him. We had all nearly died. I wanted to be able to shut out what had almost unfolded but I didn't two if I could.

We still had some things to still iron out but all that mattered at that moment was that he loved me and I loved him. Everything else was something we could figure out later.

I lifted myself up and leaned my head against my hand as I stared deeply at the man who ruled my heart and I would do anything to protect in the same he love and wanted to protect me.

While I didn't want to wake him the need to kiss him was too strong to fight so I lowered my mouth to his and brushed my lips against his. I closed my eyes and whispered. "I love you."

I allowed the emotion I felt for him to take over and I brushed his lips with mine. His mouth lifted to seal our mouth in a kiss as he put his arms around me bringing across his chest. His tongue swept into my mouth and slid against mine.

Any self control I had been hanging onto vanished and returned the heated kiss with as much urgency.

He rolled me under him before he broke the kiss to stare down at me.

"Say it," he said.

I smiled. "What?"

"You know what?"

"That I love you."

He nodded. "Say it."

"I love you Angel Knox."

He closed his eyes and let my words wash over him while I watched in fascination.

"I want you so much Kira." He reopened his eyes and the expression hit me in the chest.

I understood that urgency and need. "I want you too."

He leaned closer to touch his lips against mine. "For so long I've been fighting my feelings for you."

"Same," I murmured against his mouth.

"It feels strange to be giving into them now." His eyes held mine.

I was relieved we would be able to be together without secrets or doubts. A misunderstanding had nearly torn us apart.

There was still so much unsaid between us but it would have to wait until the morning. With the fear still raw that we had nearly died every touch, every word meant more than it had before.

The was no urgency as he kissed me slowly and I held the sides of his face as our tongues moved together.

He moved back to strip me bare. Slowly, with deliberate action that made every moment I had to wait almost unbearable before he removed his boxers. He was magnificent standing naked in front of me and I admired him, because I knew that he was all mine. It was still mind blowing that he loved me.

Then he moved to cover my both with his. His mouth sealed over mine as he lower his body between my legs. I clasped my legs to his hips and my hands rested on his chest. He kissed me, deepening the kiss making my ache for him.

Our bodies against each other, skin to skin.

I wanted him to join our bodies but I fought the urgency take control to savor every moment we were sharing knowing how lucky we both were.

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