Chapter 26

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Joohyun first spent a few hours studying the notes from her grandpa, and then, unable to contain her curiosity, she continued to study the spiritual website for another several hours.

After that, Joohyun couldn't sleep because of her excitement. She was still worried before, although it's very profitable to exorcise ghosts, it's not every day that people in this group post any tasks, and it's not like she can meet with an unlucky ghost like Tong Chao every day when she walks on the street. No, let's forget about Tong Chao, she was the unlucky one for meeting him.

Aside from exorcising, although her talismans are also profitable, she met people who begged to buy talismans from her outside this group some time ago and thought that it wouldn't be hard to sell them. However, it took a few days to realize that people would only buy it outside when they're in a hurry, usually, they would draw talismans themselves at home ah.

Joohyun understood this point very well, for example, if you ask her to buy other people's talisman, if it wasn't someone forcing her, she would be brain damaged to buy it.

As for the Taobao store that she opened two days ago, after she put a few Expelling Talismans and Calming Spirit Talismans to sell, no one came to buy them. Joohyun didn't have any hope, so she just left it like that. Fortunately, Taobao didn't need store fees, or else she would die from the fees.

Although she didn't know how much she'd need to build a road, but it definitely wasn't any less than 100 million yuan. That small amount of money she accumulated in the bank was really not enough.

Joohyun was wondering how to make more money these days, and suddenly she discovered this thing called the National Spiritual website. This thing, if she didn't see it herself, she would be in the dark forever. She was shocked once she entered the website, the densely packed supernatural missions had all turned into a wave of bank figures, making Joohyun's eyes shone brightly.

Although the service charge was a bit expensive, isn't there still the group owner? Joohyun has been in the group for more than a month, and finally she now realized the true essence of this group - Saving Money.

As a result of her excessive excitement, student Irene who woke up the earliest in room 518 the next day, slept soundly until lunch time.

After eating lunch brought back from the cafeteria by her roommates, Joohyun rubbed her drowsy eyes and opened them only in the afternoon. At last, she was completely awake, as for what was said in class, at any rate, the lessons weren't anything profound from the beginning of the school, she can just do some self-study later.

After class, Joohyun and her roommates were walking together, discussing where they should eat today. When they looked up, they saw a large circle of female students under the stairs of the classroom building.

"That's the owner of VK."

"I like their clothes the most, buy new styles for every season."

"Young Master Tong has good appearance and taste ah."

"Their brand's colour combinations are really dope, this is the first time I see a man wearing so many colors like that but still looks so good."

"I heard that all men inside fashion industry are gay."

"What nonsense, Young Master Tong changes girlfriend every season ah."

"What am I gonna do? I bought this clothing from brand A, would he realize it?"


After hearing those female students chatting fervently, Han You and Fang Feifei quickly guessed who was in the center of that circle, they suddenly dragged Joohyun and Zhang Muwan excitedly to join the crowd of onlookers.

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