Chapter 33

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Imperial National Defense Academy of Science.

A middle-aged man in a green military uniform escorted Lisa.

"Scholar Lou, please follow me." According to Lisa's achievements in weapon design they should've called him 'teacher', but because he's very young they simply called him 'scholar'. The nation's Academy of Science's special scholar.

Lisa nodded and followed the middle-aged man forward with a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes.

"The thing was shipped to Imperial city this afternoon." The middle-aged man named Liu Mu was also a weapon expert in the Ministry of National Defense. He walked as he gave Lisa an introduction, "This weapon was excavated in Nanling a month ago by a group of archaeologists."

"Nanling? During the Warring States Period there was a boundary between the Kingdom of Qiyang and Fengyu there." Lisa said.

"That's right." Liu Mu continued, "Professor Fang of the archaeological team said the tomb probably belonged to a Qiyang general during the Warring States Period; there are a large number of weapons from that era inside the tomb. The copper sword that's in the research room now was found inside the tomb owner's coffin."

"In the test results report you gave me, it's mentioned you detected a strange energy from this bronze sword." Lisa had received a report from the Ministry of National Defense in the afternoon. The report said there should only be one cold-steel weapon emitting a strange heat energy.

If this weapon really possessed a strange energy, then it would be a big breakthrough in the history of weapon production. Lisa was very interested in this, so he rushed excitedly that night.

"Yes." Liu Mu said, "After testing, we found the energy is not emitting radiation. We monitored the energy's waves and found the source comes from a strange totem on the hilt, but we really can't figure out how this energy and weapon merge or how it's applied."

The two of them walked to Lisa's private research room, it's a fully transparent room made of bullet-proof glass. Because of his physique, it's impossible to keep people around when Lisa is conducting his research. The Ministry made this room because they didn't want people outside the research room to notice anything if something happened with Lisa inside the room. [Ed: Then why did they build a glass room?] [T/N: Lol, Ikr?]

Before he entered the room, Lisa saw the dark bronze sword through the glass.

"Director Liu, if I don't come out in two hours, you shouldn't let people be near here." Lisa reminded Liu Mu.

"Understood." Liu Mu smiled and nodded. Lisa always did this when he came to the National Academy of Sciences; if he stayed inside the room for more than two hours it would mean he encountered a problem and needed more time to overcome it. During this time, no one was allowed to pass within a five-meter range of Lisa's research room.

Liu Mu waited until Lisa entered the research room and began to study the bronze sword, before he turned around and left the room completely to Lisa and his guards.

The moment Lisa stepped into the research room, a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart. It wasn't until he raised his hand to touch the bronze sword that the strange feeling gradually became distinct as it changed into a kind of... closeness and familiarity.


Lisa was shocked, he retracted his hand and looked at the two-palm sized bronze sword that had suddenly shrunk into the size of half a palm.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

The half-palm sized bronze sword kept vibrating on the table, as if it was calling Lisa.

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