Chapter 107

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Some changes in the small Lou courtyard in the capital occurred simultaneously as did the changes in Qingmang Mountain.




Hearing the strange noises, Lisa came out from the study and took a few steps to the door of his bedroom and looked in. All he saw were the four spiritual artifacts that were quietly lying in the bedroom, suddenly floating up at the same time, emitting shivering sounds in the air.

"Young Master." He Qi heard the noise as well and ran up from downstairs. When he saw the abnormality in the bedroom, he could not help but express his surprise. "How could this happen?"

Lisa looked at the four floating spiritual artifacts with a tense expression. He Qi was an ordinary man so he could not see it, but in Lisa's eyes, there was a thin line of spiritual power, pulling the four floating artifacts.

After the four spiritual artifacts were recovered, they were placed in Lisa's bedroom. The Bronze Sword was also placed in the safe, but it tore the safe apart afterward, so Lisa simply found a special shelf for weapons. All the recovered artifacts were stored on it.

It's been a while since these spiritual artifacts were recovered, and they had been left there without sensing each other. Why did such a change suddenly occur today?

The Five-Pointed Star Array!

Could it be that the fifth spiritual artifact was found? Could it be that Irin did something?

With this point in mind, Lisa immediately turned around and went back to the study opposite the bedroom. He picked up the phone on the desk and called Master Mao. The phone rang for a while before it was answered.

"Lisa?" Master Mao's voice sounded a bit surprised.

"Master Mao, what happened in Qingmang Mountain?" Lisa asked anxiously.

"How do you know?" Master Mao was even more surprised.

"Sure enough. Something happened, right? What exactly happened?" Lisa asked.

"The fifth spiritual artifact has emerged."

As expected, Lisa's eyebrows tightened, but before he could ask how the drought demon was doing, he heard Master Mao across the phone saying, "Little Friend Chen... she has fainted."

"What?" Lisa anxiously turned around and went outside. He took several steps only to realize that Joohyun was not even in the capital at the moment. "How is Irin? Why did she pass out?"

Master Mao took a look at Joohyun, whom Elder Wu was carefully carrying into the car, and then at Qingmang Mountain, where the entire spiritual force changed after the artifact flew out, and said with a sigh, "The situation is rather complicated. Everything is unclear at the moment."

"Then how is Irin doing? Is she in any danger?" Lisa asked again.

"This... I'm not entirely sure." Master Mao didn't even know why Joohyun had fainted, so he didn't know what to tell Lisa.

"Master Mao, you must tell me whatever's happening to Irin." Lisa hung up the phone and closed his eyes in chagrin. That feeling of powerlessness when someone around him encountered an accident yet he couldn't do anything about it swept over him again, causing him to suppress his anger and slam his fist on the table.

"Knock-knock, Young Master." He Qi stood at the open study door and gently knocked twice. He said, "The spiritual artifacts are quiet."

Lisa turned around, glanced at He Qi, and paused for a moment before bypassing him and walking toward his bedroom again. There he saw that the four spiritual artifacts that had just floated in the room were now quietly lying in their original positions. It was as if the scene of them floating earlier was just their illusion.

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