Chapter 64

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Military factory.

After checking the data and confirming that there wouldn't be any problems on the shakedown test, Lisa said to the bald Section Chief Wang while walking out, "The weapons produced before had problems mainly because of the new material you used for the mold when modeling. The density of this material is different from ordinary materials. Although it generally won't affect the shape of the finished product, the weapon I designed has certain material requirements for the production. Even the smallest difference will affect the capability of the product."

"I see. It turns out that the more high-end the technology, the more important the details are," Section Chief Wang said, "This new material has been put into use a few years ago, and the performance is pretty good. There has never been an error, but it is precisely this kind of stereotyped mindset that caused delays in finding out the cause. Still, Academician Lou, you are awesome."

"I did not think of it before." Lisa modestly said, "I've studied all the production equipment on the production line these days, and I didn't find the problem until just now. This is still the advantage of a bystander. Section Chief Wang, you've been using this raw material to make molds in the military factory, so naturally, you won't doubt problems with the mold material."

"Academician Lou, you've inspected hundreds of equipment on our production line in just two days. This ability is really..."

"Stop praising." Lisa said, "My time here is limited. You'd better make a new mold as soon as possible and produce a batch of weapons to check if there are any problems. If there are problems, you can debug them while I'm here."

"Yes, right away." Section Chief Wang also knew that Lisa could stay here for a short time, so he no longer dallied with Lisa and hurried away to find someone to produce new molds.

Lisa smiled, took out his phone from his pocket, and habitually opened WeChat. It was still frozen on the selfie Joohyun sent. The little girl in a white woolen hat, was holding mutton skewers in her hand, looked abnormally happy.

Lisa moved his finger and tapped the save button.

"Young Master." Tian Fei walked into the factory gate with a slightly distorted expression.

"What's wrong?" When Lisa saw Tian Fei's odd expression, he asked suspiciously.

"The minister and Master Mao are here," Tian Fei said.

After hearing this, Lisa showed no extra reaction. He just put the phone in his hand and then walked out. However, just after taking steps, he heard Tian Fei add, "And Miss Joohyun."

Lisa suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look at Tian Fei: "Who?"

"The minister has brought Miss Joohyun." Tian Fei looked cautiously at his Young Master.

"..." Lisa pursed his lips and took huge strides outside. He went out of the factory and reached the reception hall of the military factory. At a glance, he saw the silly girl who was chatting animatedly with his father.

"Third Brother?" As soon as Lisa stepped through the door of the reception hall, Joohyun sensed him. She jumped up from her chair and ran towards Lisa.

Lisa retreated without a trace and avoided her.

Joohyun was stunned. Was she too enthusiastic?

Lisa tried his best to control himself from looking at Joohyun. His eyes swept to Master Mao, and Master Mao nodded vaguely with anxiety all over his face.

Seeing Master Mao's expression, Lisa naturally deciphered that the matter had been exposed. His face instantly turned somber. He turned to his father's probing gaze.

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