~ advice ~

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{ Wednesdays pov }
Me and Enid fall asleep in the clubhouse. I wake up to see her head on my shoulder, with my hand holding hers. I feel warmth. I feel spiders. I feel my knees getting weak. I'm not even standing. What is this.

I softly get up to write in my journal. I sit next to Enid as I write.

Enid then yawns softly and rubs her eye.

~ Enid : "Goodmorning Wens"

~ Me : "Goodmorning"
I say coldly.

~ Enid : "I've noticed something these past few days"

~ Me : "What"

~ Enid : "You're... getting soft"
She says with a smug look.

~ Me : "I'm not. I have always been like this."
I say coldly. I don't want to admit it. Ugh. The things I do for Enid are endless. I hate to admit that i'm getting soft.

~ Enid : "Ya right"

~ Me : "Sinclair, we should go back home."

~ Enid : "Alright"

I open the door.

~ Mother : "Where were you?"
She says, crossing her arms.

~ Me : "My clubhouse, mother."

~ Mother : "Thing is back from transylvania."
She says, as thing runs to Enid. Enid gets on her knees so things can crawl on her hands.

~ Thing : 'Hi Enid! Wow your nails look so amazing'
He signs.

~ Enid : "Aww! Thing, thanks! We should give eachother manis!"

~ Thing : "Yes"

~ Mother : "Wow you understand thing"
She smiles warmly. It's unsettling.

~ Enid : "Ofcourse I do!"

~ Thing : 'Hi Wednesday!'
He signs as Enid places him on my shoulder. I turn to look at him.

~ Me : "Hello, Thing."

~ Thing : 'Can we go upstairs? I wana give Enid a mani'
I nod as thing goes back to Enid. My mother stops me.

~ Mother : "I've heard from... someone... that you've had a boyfriend?"

~ Me : "Mother, he was a serial killer. Amazing, right?"
She smiles at me.

~ Mother : "Wednesday.. I'm glad that you're adjusting t this school. But don't forget to not lose yourself. Now go to your friend"
I roll my eyes as I go upstairs.

~ Enid : "Hey Wens!"
She says sitting on her bed with thing. I go sit on the bed, leaning on the wall. I get my journal to start sketching a bit.

~ Enid : "Can we pleaseeee do your nails???"
She gives her puppy eyes. Its hypnotising. She always does this to manipulate me.

~ Me : "Black is the only color you can do."
I say coldly and I show my left hand to her, with my right hand still sketching. She touched my hand. I felt her warmth again. I can't lose to this battle.

{ 2 hours later (11am) also dw they ate }

~ Mother : "come, uncle fester came to visit!"
My mother says as we walk downstairs.

~ Enid : "is he your uncle?"
She asks as we walk down the hall.

~ Me : "He is."

~ Enid : "I'd love to meet him!"
She says as thing sits on her shoulder. We go down the stairs to see that uncle fester isn't there. He's lurking somewhere.

~ Enid : "Aw where is he?"

~ Me : "Lurking."
I say as Enid scans the room. Suddenly he comes from somewhere and Enid screamed as he touch our shoulders.

~ Me : "uncle fester!"
I say, almost smiling. I couldn't let Enid see me smile. Uncle fester is an chaotic man. Amazing, right?

~ Uncle fester : "Hi Wednesday! How are ya? Is this your friend?"
He says, looking at Enid.

~ Me : "Uncle fester, this is Enid Sinclair. My roommate"

~ Enid : "it's nice meeting you!"

~ Uncle fester : "You're a werewolf right? I heard they can die of silver bullets. So don't get close to a gun!"
She nervously smiles. She's adjusting to my family. She's accepting me. The first person outside of my family who's doing exactly that. She's special.

~ Me : "Uncle Fester, may I talk with you privately?"

~ Uncle Fester : "Sure!"
He says as we walk to another room.

~ Me : "Did you ever had a partner?"

~ Uncle fester : "I didn't expect that from you! I thought it was for covering up some murder you did. Butttt..... actually I did. This girl Elizabeth. She was chaotic and evil. She bullied everyone. What a woman. Too bad she drowned."

~ Me : "Tell me how you knew you were... Inlove"
I almost choke as I say. But do I like Enid? I do not know. Do I?

~ Uncle fester : "Well if your face looks like blood, feeling stomaches and the need to keep them safe. I accidentally drowned her tho"
I smirk. I hate to admit this as a smile but I'll say smirk for now. I've been feeling this. She's alright... I guess.... fine. Yes I do like her. Ugh the words make me want to choke on bleach.

~ Me : "Thank you."
I thank him coldly.

~ Uncle fester : "Sooo... who's the unlucky guy?..... or girl"

~ Me : "I was just curious"

~ Uncle Fester : "cmonn let me in on the secrets"

~ Me : "Fine. But don't tell Mother nor father this but it's a She."

~ Uncle fester : "Oooo nice. We should probably head back to your friend. How's Socrates?"

~ Me : "He's great. He's in the aquarium in the basement with my other pets and expirements."
I say as we walk to Enid.

~ Enid : "sooo whad'ya talking about?"
She asks curiously.

~ Me : "Murder."
I lie. Uncle fester whispers me something to my ear.

~ Uncle Fester : "Is this the girl?"
He whispers curiously.

~ Me : "Maybe. Shall we go bird hunting?"
I ask.

~ Enid : "Don't you mean bird watching?"

~ Me : "No, bird hunting. I'll go grab pugsley and the bows."
I say going to the weapon room. This is going to be fun.

{ thx for reading! }

> 907 words <

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