~ Caesar salad ~

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{ no-one pov }

Enid and mi-ji knocked at the door. Remus opens the door and hugs mi-ji tightly. "I missed you SO much, my love!!!", Remus says as he kisses mi-ji. "I love youuu" , mi-ji says as she cups Remus' face. They both smile warmly at each other. This is what Enid wanted. Someone that could show affection to Enid. But Wednesday had grown soft and gave her some bits of physical attention. Enid knew that that was enough for her, and she was happy with Wednesday.

"Am I going to be a thirdwheel or what?" Enid teases. "Welcome back, pup" Remus says as he smiles happily. "We sat next to each other in the airplane! She's the best, Remus. Ya better be good to her, otherwise, I will ask Wednesday to harm ya" Enid jokes. "What's she going to do? Cast a spell on me?" Remus mocks Wednesday as mi-ji holds his hand. "Don't you fucking insult my girlfriend" Enid glares at Remus. "Ight! Sorry! Now, I'll call for dad to help you with these bags. The twins are hanging out with a friend" Remus says calmly.

Remus then howls and his dad came. Enid hugs her dad and her dad smiles warmly at her. Mi-ji was staying at remus' room so Enid and her dad went to enids room. Enid opens the door and falls onto the colorful, fluffy bed. There was color everywhere. "Thanks dad!" Enid thanks him as her dad nods and closes the door. Enid falls on her bed, smelling the scent of flowers. "Home sweet home", Enid mumbles. She turns and picks up her pink phone and text wednesday.

Spooky love💝💝💝

Hi mon cheri

What do you want? I'm busy

You, I want you

Are you home?

Yes I am
I'm gonna call you <3

Enid calls Wednesday to see her on her bed with her hair down. "I'm so lucky", Enid says. "What do you mean?", Wednesday asks in confusion. "You look so pretty with your hair down", Enid says as she smiles warmly at Wednesday. Wednesday muttered a thank you.

"Is thing okay? How's your black eye? Did you talk to your parents?", Enid questions worriedly. "I stitched thing up, my black eye is healing and I will talk to them in the morning", Wednesday informs her. "You do NOT know how much I'd love to style your hair right now", Enid says as Wednesday nods. "Why are you up so early? It's 5am", Wednesday questions Enid. "Why are you not getting ready?", Enid says smugly.

"I'm getting ready at 6am. You better sleep, Sinclair", Wednesday notifies Enid. "Not til you say a sweet nickname for me" Enid says as Wednesday sighs. "Goodnight, churri", Wednesday says in annoyance. "Goodbye, my spooky love", Enid says as she smiles warmly. Wednesday hangs up, but she now had a red tint on her cheeks.

Wednesday gets up and gets ready. It was family dinner today and had to cook addams' food. Wednesda already had the ingredients. So eventually, she went downstairs with her headphones and ignored her mother and father as she cooks the food. Enid had made a playlist for her, surprisingly, Wednesday liked it. But then a pop song played. It made Wednesdays ears bleed. She skipped the song into a better one. Screams of terror. A person suddenly grabs Wednesdays headphones.

"I don't like this attitude, Wednesday", Morticia says, looking mad. "I don't care.", Wednesday says in a cold tone. "We apologise. Morticia could keep the secret from me and we had to know someday", gomez says. "I'll think about forgiving you two", the gloomy girl says. "I'll help with cooking", her mother says as gomez smiles and heads to Lurch to help him with making the place proper.

Eventually, morticia and Wednesday made all the dishes needed at the family dinner. Soon came family. Wednesday sat at the big dining tabel next to pugsley as the cousins sit next to them.

{ Wednesdays pov }

"Hello, addams", I hear a voice saying as he pulls a chair to sit next to me. I sigh. "What do you want, caesar", I say in a cold tone.

"How are you?", he asks. "You're not even family. What are you doing here?", I ask annoyed. "I'm a family friend, addams. You know, my father expects us to get married.", he says. What. Im not marrying him. "Don't even think about it.", I say coldly. "Oh come on, you knew this. Now, do ya wanna be mine?" He asks with a wink. I suppose he's been giving hints. But I didn't know that we were going to get married? I notice my father and his talking in the corner, i walk over to them.

"Father, may we speak privately?", I ask coldly as he looks worried. "We may.", he follows me in the kitchen. "I'm not marrying him. What's wrong with you?", I say. "Well, you two looked cute when you two were young, so me and his father made a deal.....", he says. What the hell? "You do NOT control who I marry, father." I say madly. "I called the deal off. And if caesar tries to make you his, I shall ban him from our home.", father says. "No thank you, I can deal with this.", I say calmly as I walk to caeser and sits next to him.

"Don't leave me hanging, my love!", caeser says. Only Enid is allowed to call me that. Its basically an insult to me. But Enid is allowed. "Don't you DARE call me that, I will hang you.", I say coldly as everyone takes food from the dishes, we do the same. "And why not, addams?", he questions. "Its an insult. I will slit your wrists if you ever do that again.", I threaten him, but he doesnt seem to be scared. "Give me a chance, cara mia.", he winks at me.

I fucking hate him. I pulled him by his hair as he falls from his chair. Everyone looks at us as I eat calmly. "Looks like you fell.", I say coldly as he furrows his eyebrows. "Fell in love", he says with a wink. Everybody looks at us, amused. I turn mad. I storm out of the scene and went to my room. I decide to call Enid.

"HI WENS!", she says excitedly. "You're supposed to be sleeping.", I say coldly. "Wellll I slept in the plane, what's wrong, my love?", Enid says. "Caesar, a family friend kept 'flirting' with me. I find it annoying and irritating. I pulled him by the hair and he fell. But he still kept going", I vent to Enid. "Ain't noone going to steal MY girl. Are you okay?", Enid asks. "I am, Churri", I say as enids face lit up. "What should I do, my spooky love?", Enid questions. "Just talk with me.", I mutter quietly. "What?", she asks. "Tell me about your family.", I say coldly. I want her to talk as i listen. (Okayokayokayokayokaylalalalalalalal) Her voice comforts me for some unsettling reason.

Enid kept talking until Wednesday heard a knock on the door and set Enid on mute.

It turned out to be caesar. Great. "What do you want. Go rot.", I say coldly. Caesar pulls me by my waist. Enid watches. I push him. "What the hell?!", I shout. "Cmon, my love", he says. He suddenly notices Enid on my phone. "And who may that be by the table?", he asks. "That's none of your business.", I say coldly. "You're not cheating, are you?", he asks. "Fuck you. We're not even together. Caesar, I'm taken. Don't even try to come near me. Or else ill fucking kidnap you and torture you like I did to a 'friend'.", I threaten. "Oh come on, you won't do that to your boyfriend are you?", he says. I'll fucking kill him.

I grab his wrists and slammed the door, leaving him on the floor of my room. I grab my weapon pack. "Which one shall I use, enid?", I ask as I un-mute her. "Use the taser on that asshole!", she says as I grab the taser. "I first need to tie him up, churri", I grin. "Shit shit shit! I'm sorry!!", he begs. I tape him and tie him up on a chair. "Would you like to see this enid, or will it be too graphic for you?", I ask. "Better close your camera", she says as I close the camera and lock the door. The suffering begins.

{ thanks for reading <33 comment if you like this writing style! }

> 1429 words not including thanx note <

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