~ Bird hunting ~

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{ Enids pov }
We arrive at a bird watching house in the middle of the woods. Wednesday hands everyone a bow and a arrow.

~ Wens : "Did you pass the bow aim test in nevermore?"
She asks me. Uhmm.... I didn't. It's hard okay?

~ Me : "Uh.... no.. "

~ Wens : "I'll teach you how to have a good aim."

~ Wens : "I taught Pugsley. Pugsley, shall you demonstrate on a good aim?"

~ Pugsley : "Alright."
He says going infront and shooting a squirrel.

~ Wens : "Good job pugsley. Uncle fester and pugsley, you can shoot at the other window. I'll teach Enid a bit."
She says as they walk to the other window.

~ Wens : "Okay, position yourself."
She says calmly.

~ Me : "Uhh... alright"
I say as I position myself.

~ Wens : "No. This is the right position"
She says, putting my fingers and hands on the right places. I blush and feel warm. Im falling hard for her. I hope she likes me back. Im the exact opposite of her. Why would she like me? :(

~ Wens : "Earth to Enid. First aim. And dont shake. Now pull back with your hand and let go"
She says, holding my hand. Im going to scream. Im bisexual for her. The arrow shot at a tree.

~ Wens : "Good job. Try to do it like this."
She grabs her bow and shoots at a bird.
I smile. I grab my bow, tried to shoot it at a bird and missed.

~ Wens : "You're failing at aim practice are you?"

~ Me : "Yes Wens I am."

~ Wens : "What other subjects?"
How did she know that I'm barely passing at some subjects? The only ones I'm good at are werewolf studies, fencing and potions. Jesus.

~ Me : "basically all except werewolf studies, fencing and potions"
I nervously say.

~ Wens : "I'll help you. Consider this a sorry to the snood"

~ Me : "Going soft on me, Addams?"
I say with a smug smile

~ Wens : "You wish"
She says coldly. Cute.

{ lumity reference }

We shoot a few arrows and I kept talking. She suddenly sighs. Was I being too annoying? Am I talking to much? I stop talking. Wens notices.

~ Wens : "Why did you stop?"

~ Me : "Was I being annoying?"

~ Wens : "Enid, you're always annoying. You always torture me. Thank you"
Is that a compliment? I'll take that as a compliment!

~ Me : "Aww Wends"

~ Wens : "Be honest Enid. Who do you like"
She says, glaring at me softly. Holy shit what do I say??? I literally like her. What should I say omg. She told me to be honest. I'm a bad liar.

~ Me : "Well... I'm kind of over Ajax now but it's this really cute person. They write, you know the person, black hair and beautiful dark eyes"
I say, basically describing her. I hope she doesn't notices.

{ Wednesdays pov }

This could be anyone. But i'll put my guess on myself.

{ Enids pov }

~ Wens : "I might know who then"
She says coldly. Im panicking. Does she know? She's not dumb nor blind. I get shaky and sweaty. Wends notices.

~ Wens : "You okay?"

~ Me : "I-im alright just uh... uhmm..."
Fuck. I need some sort of an excuse. She suddenly places her hand on my forehead. Great now she'll have sweat on her hands.

~ Me : "I- Uh.. "
She got a towel from her bag and patted my forehead with it.

~ Wens : "Why are you nervous?"
I need to confess my feelings somehow. But not like this. I'll ask yoko or thing for advice on how to ask her out. Thing probably knows her better than yoko. So I'll ask him first.

~ Wens : "Hello?"

~ Me : "I'm great just uh.. EXHAUSTED!"
I finally mutter out. Naw she won't believe me.

~ Wens : "Right.."
We continue to shoot with the bows. She's so good at this. I'm swooning.

~ Wens : "Enid, you're staring"
She says coldly. I didn't realize that. I just got lost in her beautiful eyes.

~ Me : "OH SORRY I was just.... uhm.. thinking.."

~ Me : "you're being weird today"

~ Me : "just miss my family"
I'm lying. It's called a crush. I missed them tho. But im enjoying it here.And IM MAKING THE CRUSH SO OBVIOUS OH MY GOD.

~ Wens : "What's your family like?"
She asks coldly. But also sound sweet for a reason. She shoots a bow. She hits a bird.

~ Me : "Well.. I have 3 brothers.. silas and Milo being twins and Remus being the eldest. He's the best. He helped me through everything. My dad is so sweet. And my mom... well.. she's proud of me now"

~ Wens : "Great. Enid, are you.. done with Ajax?"
She ask. Why is she asking?

~ Me : "Well.. uhm.. I'm planning to break up with him. He's sweet but not for me. Why'd ya ask?"

~ Wens : "Just curious. When was the party?"

~ Me : "On the 10th"

~ Wens : "Alright"
Fester looks at the time.

~ Fester : "We should go back home. Plus I got to leave. I've noticed some police while we were walking. I'll collect some arrows on the way"
He says walking to Wens.

~ Wens : "Goodbye, uncle. Try to choose a different mobile. I've seen the recent one"

~ Fester : "Wait i almost forgot to give you this! Here"
He says, handing a live rat. Ew. Looks cute tho!

~ Fester : "you can use this as an expirement. I placed some new weapons and potions for you"

~ Wens : "Thank you uncle Fester"
She says smiling. Oh shit she looks adorable. Then i felt red,my wolf ears popped out and my tail too. Im so gay.

~ Me : "sifhejfhskfb"

~ Wens : "Oh"
Fester nudges her then left.

~ Me : "You're so... a-adorable when you smile"
I say as a cover my face.

~ Wens : "I dont do smiles. Pugsley and Enid, lets go"
She says, picking up her bow. Well that was fun. Im falling harder for her everyday.

{ Thx for reading!! I have a suggestion to those who write jemma ficts, (ik theres some of you who do that and this idea came to mind) so, jenna and emma are filming and there is no kiss scene right? But jenna kissed her and imrpoved it. Someone asked why and she said "i jusg wanted to" }

> 957 words not including authors note <

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