~ Is this a date? ~

813 7 36

{ Enids room (guest room) }

{ Noones pov }
Enid lays with her stomach on her bed as thing sits there with a piece of paper for confession ideas.

{ Enids pov }

~ Me : "Ugh thing I literally have NOTHING"
I need to confess to Wens somehow. But I don't want to ruin our friendship. I need to be sneaky and obvious with it. How the fuck do I do it?

~ Thing : 'go on a "girl's night out" except that you guys will go on a date and watch a romance movie'
He signs. But doesn't Wens HATE romance movies?

~ Me : "Good idea but... doesn't Wens hate those types of films?"
I ask

~ Thing : 'You're torturing her, it's okay'

~ Me : "Well uh.. well I'll say to dress well"
Then we heard a knock on the door. It was Wens. I hope that she didn't hear our conversation.

~ Wens : "have you seen thin- oh there he is"
She says in a monotone voice.

~ Me : "Wens, wanna go on a girl's night out again? Thing showed me some cool places to go. But dress well!"

~ Wens : "I'll go. But thing come here please"
She says as thing runs to her. Thing waves at me and I waved back.

{ Wednesdays pov }
I bring thing to my room.

~ Me : "Thing, a word to ANYBODY. Then I will fucking kill you. How do i.... *cough* ask someone... out"
He suddenly laughs. I grab him.

~ Thing : 'Alright chill! Put me down!'
He says as I put him down.

~ Thing : 'Get her something that reminds , of you and also something that fits her personality and color'
How the fuck does he know?

~ Me : "How do you know?"

~ Thing : 'I was guessing. Now get her the present now because the "girl's night out" begins at 9pm"
He says as I go to the city to buy a gift. I need to ask yoko for some help with it. Enid gave me the number of the people she knew. Thanks.

{ I'm almost going to cry its all bold😭😭 }

Yoko texted me and said to make matching bracelets. I get some beads in a shop. Why is there so much color? It was hard finding black. After the shopping I went to the park to make it. Here it is.

{ wattpad doesn't let me show it but it's a black and pink one and one bead on the black one is pink and one bead on the pink one is black she made 4 bracelets. The other one is a rainbow for enid and wednesday has a black and white one }

I better put these in a box. I go to the shop to get a gift box. Then I went home.

As I open the door I hear that Enid was in the living room with thing and pugsley. I go to the living room and hide the present under my jacket.

~ Enid : "Hey Wenny! We're watching Vincent Thorpe's videos"

~ Pugsley : "You've gotta introduce me to Xavier Thorpe!"

~ Me : "I'm going to get dressed for tonight"
I say coldly

~ Pugsley : "Where ya going?"

~ Enid : "Its a girl's night out! ONLY ME AND WENS THO SORRY"
why is she so protective of only me and her? Well whatever. I go upstairs and get dressed. Enid does the same. I came out with a pretty black dress with a bit of white. And Enid comes out with a white dress with a little bit of black. Im feeling spiders again. I feel the warmth. I see her covering her face.

~ Enid : "You look amazing Wens"
She says, blushing. She likes me.

~ Me : "You look.. mesmerizing. Now let's go"

ant believe i said that. What am i turning as? Whatever. We go to a fancy restaurant named : "Amelia's" fancy. We go inside to see a butler.

~ Butler : "Do you have a reservation?"

~ Enid : "Yes, sinclair"

~ Butler : "Alright. Go to that table right there"
He points at an empty table. It wasnt a busy restaurant. It was a nice and calm one. Enid takes me to the table and pulled my chair. She's trying her best. I better try my best too.

~ Me : "Thank you, Sinclair"
I say, getting the menu. Wow all delicious food.

~ Me : "Thank you for bringing me here"

~ Enid : "Anything for you, Wens"
She's so sweet. Makes my teeth rot. She's too good for me. I'm not girlfriend material. Nor friend material. But i want to be hers and i want her to be mine.

~ Enid : "I think I'll choose spaghetti. What about you, willa?"

~ Me : "As for me, ill have tomato soup with bread"
We order it then it was silence.

{ Enids pov }
I hope she doesn't realize that its kind of a date. I'll confess to her on a rooftop of somewhere. I heard that there will be beautiful stars coming.

~ Wens : "Is this a date?"
Shit. Fuck. Motherfucking Bullshit. She knows..

~ Me : "Would you like to turn it into one?"
She thinks for a moment. Fuckckkckckck.

~ Wens : "........ it depends"

~ Me : "What do you mean?"

~ Wens : "I mean that if you feel comfortable then i would say.. *ahem* yes"

~ Me : "I'd... like that"
IM FUCKING BLUSHING I LOVE HER. Wens holds my pinky. SHHDHJEBFKWNF IM GOING TO ASK HER TO BE MY GF LATER‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ shes almost smilingggggg

~ Me : "are you afraid to smile Mrs Addams?"
I say with a smug face.

~ Wens : "I'm not"
Then our food came.

~ Me : "Bon apetit!"
(She says it wrong)

~ Wens : "You're wrong. Its bon appétit"
Shes so smart. One of my favourite things about her. We eat. I smile warmly. She then gives me a small black box.

~ Wens : "This is for you"
I open the box.

I squealed. I give her the bracelets for her and put mine on. I hold her hand.

~ Me : "Thanks Wens!!!!"
She blushes softly.

~ Willa : "I'll think of you as I put that on"
She says in a monotone voice. She's so jdbvdjcjkdf I can't describe her. Too many words for it. I love her.

{ Thanks for reading!! }

> 1029 words not including thanx note <

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