Ep.8 (Part 2)

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[Scene : Launchpad]

Kima : This is the Launchpad, where we station this skeld made specifically for us.

Luna : Wooooooooohhhhhh!!

(Luna's amazement was just as big as the size of the Launchpad area.)

Luna : This ship is huge!!

Aether : That's Cuora III. One of the latest models developed by the Andromeda Division.

Kima : We can go inside if you want.

Luna : Are you sure?! Then, let's go! *excited*

(Slowly as they head towards the entrance of the skeld, they came across Skyfrost doing maintenance of the skeld's thrusters.)

Aether : Yo, Sky!

Skyfrost : Oh, Aether and the others. What's up?

Aether : We'll take a look at the inside. Luna seems like she wants to go in.

Skyfrost : I hate to spoil the mood, but Karenina's fixing a lot of stuff right now and it's very messy inside. You can have a look later when she's done.

Aether : Ah, that sucks.

Kima : That's a pity. If you're okay with it, Luna, thrn we can go late---

(Kima turns her face around to Luna as she speaks but interrupted with Luna covering her own nose along with her eyes squinting.)

Kima : Luna? Hey, what's wrong?

Luna : I feel like... it's hard to breathe...

Skyfrost : Hard to breathe? What do you---

(Someone's speech was interrupted again, but this time, everything turned black as if they died. Though, unlike death, their vision was back again and realized they're all together with the others here in Cafeteria. It seems someone pressed the red button and teleported all of them in this place.)

[Scene : Cafeteria]

Gemi : Wahh!

Aether : I could never really get used to that...

Karenina : Who the hell pressed the button?! I was busy with something!

Kres : My work is done, so I am okay. *unfazed*

Aero : How the heck are you unfazed after you've been teleported? Well, nevermind. I was the one who pressed the button.

Karenina : You son of a---- *preparing to punch*

(Skyfrost stops Karenina by flicking her ear.)

Karenina : Ah!

Skyfrost : Control your temper, you short fuse. By the way, why did you press the button, Aero?

Aero : I just recently arrived here and I quickly noticed that it's hard to breathe around. Or unless if it's just me?

Kima : Eh?

Skyfrost : Wait, you too?

Aero : Did you also feel the same?

Skyfrost : No, it was Luna. She was also saying just now that it's hard for her to breathe. But now that you mentioned it, I'm starting to feel it too...

Edelweiss : No wonder I also feel out of breath...

Luna : You too, Hana?

Edelweiss : Yes. I thought I was just too tired working at the lab, but since Aero called us out here, I guess it wasn't the case.

Karenina : Why don't you try and check if something's wrong with the oxygen fabricator? I bet that thing is involved with our problem here.

Aether : Yeah, let's do that.

(All of them then went to Greenhouse to check out the oxygen fabricator.)

[Scene : Greenhouse Room]

Aero : How is it?

Skyfrost : As I thought, it's not functioning. *configuring the system*

Kres : How about the damage reports?

Skyfrost : One second.

Aether : I knew it. I had a gut feeling earlier that it wasn't working the whole time, but I thought it was just my imagination so I just let it be.

Kima : To be fair, you can't really discern this thing if it's functioning or not. It works without making a sound.

Skyfrost : Here it is. There's a lot of problems of the cable wires in certain areas. I'm afraid there are way too many.

Kres : What could be the reason behind this?

Edelweiss : Hey, guys! I stopped by at Admin to check how many oxygen are left in the sector. And...

Karenina : And what?

Edelweiss : There's only 0.0021% left, and it's still rapidly decreasing.

Skyfrost : Already that low?! That amount could only support us for less than three hours!

Aero : Why is the air depleting that rapidly?! There still should be some air left even after it's not working.

Edelweiss : I also don't know the reason.

(While everybody is panicking about the current situation, Gemi, on the other hand, seems like he was searching for someone.)

Gemi : By the way, where's Reini?

Kima : Eh? He's not here.

Aether : Did he went off somewhere?

Aero : No. After the teleportation, I didn't see him beside us. In other words, he was not with us for the whole time.

Kima : Wait, you said Reini went to Balcony, right? He might be there.

Gemi : Oh, that's right! I'll go fetch him real quick!

(Gemi swiftly leaves the scene and heads to Balcony to get Reini. Meanwhile, Skyfrost has been downloading something from the touchscreen monitor attached at the oxygen fabricator to his foldable digital glass tablet.)

Skyfrost : Data of damaged wiring areas downloaded. Uploading information to all selected parties. And... successfully uploaded. Alright, I've already sent the damage locations to each of your uniform devices. Basically, let's all separate and---

(A loud shriek was suddenly heard echoing in the hallways and it caught everyone's attention.)

Luna : Wh-What was that?

Aether : It might be Gemi. Let's hurry!

[Scene : Balcony]

(The sensor glass door opens and makes a way for the running crew members.)

Skyfrost : Gemi! What happened?!

(On the floor, Gemi was found shuddering in place with his eyes wide open as if in terror. Though, even with the arrival of the crew members, Gemi didn't take a chance to look at their side and fixedly kept looking at his front. When they notice his gaze, they follow its direction and it led towards...)

Luna : !

(...a dead body of a crew member lying on the weather measurer machine painted in crimson blood. Traces of red crawls to the bottom side of the machine, creating small, bloody puddles on the floor. It seems the dead person in a black uniform is the one Gemi was looking for.)

Kima : Reini?!

[To Be Continued]

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