Ep.15 (Part 1)

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Kima : And... blow.

(Luna blows her nose as she covers it with tissue paper.)

Luna : Ah... Now I can breathe with ease.

(She cleans her nose tightly one last time and throws the tissue to the trash can next to her bed.)

Luna : I guess we cried a bit too much.

Kima : Yeah, hahaha.

(Out of nowhere, someone opens the door briskly and inelegantly, and barges in the room.)

Galasco : Luna! Luna, are you alright?!

Kima : H--Head Chief?!

(The man was the head chief of the Stellar Division, just like what Kima said. She frantically stands up, straightens up her body, and firmly salutes to Galasco as a gesture of rank acknowledgement and respect to a more superior personnel than her.)

Kima : Sir!

Galasco : Ah... Thank you for your good work.

(The panting man in their 40s nods down to Kima. He sweeps out his sweat from his forehead, slightly brushing the ends of his white-faded hair. Galasco is known to always appear as formal and professional, being the head chief took a toll on his outward presentation, but he bears a soft and caring side that he mostly shows to her daughter.)

Galasco : M-More importantly... Luna, are you hurt anywhere? Do you feel anything wrong?

Luna : Father... Don't worry, I'm prefectly fine.

Kima : Eh...? Father?

Huca : Your division chief is Luna's father.

(Huca appears from the entrance of the room, answering her question.)

Kima : What?!

(Galasco and his daughter looks at her, lured by her exclamation.)

Kima : Oh, I'm sorry... Um, your daughter has been doing well in our team despite her first day.

Galasco : ...

(He goes closer to Kima, furrowing his eyebrows.)

Galasco : You must be Kima, I presume?

Kima : Ah y-yes, sir! That is me.

Galasco : So you're the one Luna has been talking about at home. Thank you for taking care of her and staying with her as a friend. You have my deepest gratitude.

Kima : I-It is an honor, sir.

(Inside, Kima feels very elated as the father of her friend thanked him for staying by Luna's side.)

Galasco : Oh, that's right. Is it okay if you could give us both some private time? You can visit back here after we're done.

Kima : A-As you wish, sir!

Huca : Let's go, Kima. We'll be taking our leave, Chief.

Galasco : Be safe.

(Kima and Huca walks their way out of the room and closes the door. The family are the only ones who's left inside.)

Galasco : Hah, I'm glad to know you're not hurt.

(He sits on the chair where Kima sat earlier.)

Galasco : By the way, your friend...

Galasco : I never thought the day would come that you'd find yourself one.

Luna : I wasn't also expecting it, either...

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