Ep.9 (Part 1)

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(While everybody is frozen in place witnessing the scene, Kres hurriedly approaches Reini's dead body and examines it thoroughly.)

Kres : He was stabbed.

Kima : B-By who?

Kres : I do not know. For now, I will put his body in Medbay.

(Edelweiss is trying to comfort Gemi by hugging him in the background who was badly traumatized from the situation. Despite having in contact with a person's embrace, Gemi's reaction still did not change as if entrapped in a trance.)

Skyfrost : I'll request help from the Solar Division as well.

Kres : Please do.

Edelweiss : Be careful on your way there. The killer might be hiding somewhere.

Kres : We will.

(They then both left, with one carrying the dead body, and the other one tags along to go to the Communications Room to request for help from the Solar Division floors away from their sector. The rest of the team remained in Cafeteria while having doubts of what just happened.)

Aero : You really gotta be kidding me...

Aether : Are we really experiencing this right now?

Kima : The killer could kill us anytime, we mustn't let our guard down. Or wait, unless if it was suicide?

Karenina : Gemi could've told us if there was something wrong with that guy. And besides, there wasn't any sort of weapon that I found when I was trying to look around.

Kima : Ahh, then nevermind.


Luna : U-Um...

Kima : What is it, Luna?

Luna : I might... have a clue about the killer.

Aether : Wait, for real?! Who is it?!

Luna : But I have a question first. What does this button do?

(Luna points the red button in front of her as she raises the question.)

Kima : It's a button that teleports all alive entities in the sector to a fixed place once pressed.

Luna : All alive entities...? I knew it.

Luna : All of us were teleported here except for Reini since he's dead. And since this button teleports all alive entities in the sector...

Aero : You mean...

Edelweiss : It's one of us?!

(Knowing the answer, they couldn't help but feel unsettled. The crew frantically exchanged glances with each other, showing signs of cautiousness. It immediately felt like a team, which had a strong bond, drowned in a pond of doubts.)

Edelweiss : So one of us tried to kill Reini?

Kima : Was it out of revenge?

Karenina : That's crazy talk. Do you even see that childish brat as someone who would make trouble?

Aether : Except if he did make some----


(Gemi, who was sitting and quiet all the time after crying a lot, stood up, slammed the table with both hands, and instantly argued back Aether's words with obvious desperation.)

Aether : My bad! My bad! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it! *apologetic*

(Edelweiss tries to calm Gemi down by putting her hand on his shoulder.)

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