Ep.13 (Part 2)

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Artifice : You can have him now.

(She gestures with her hand to his dead body as she speaks. The second knife that stabbed Aero again turns to black and disappears from her grasp.)

Gemi : Aero!!!

Kima : You monster!! That was uncalled for!!

Kres : What happened to our agreement?!

Artifice : Easy now, I am also a woman of my word. But I never said I would be returning him to you in tip-top condition, didn't I? Besides, you're the one who said lights on. You could've chosen the other one if you didn't want to see it.

Kima : You sly witch!!

Artifice : I believe I told you already... that I'm a hideous person, right? So why are you surprised? A villain has never been fair to begin with.

(They were full aware that what's done in the past remains in the past, and it can't be undone anymore. Having Aero's deceased body in front of them, one can't help but emit anger and sorrow on their face, even when one does their best to keep their composure still.)

Artifice : So, what now? I've already done my part and I think it's your turn to do yours too.

Kres : ...

(Just when the leader of the team gets silent, an unexpected voice breaks the ice.)

Luna : You call this a fair deal? Haven't you even heard of common sense?

Artifice : And what if I said yes?

Luna : You---

(Luna tries to approach her with exasperation teeming on her face, having no regards to how perilous Artifice is, only to be stopped by Kima, who has a sense of danger, by stretching her arm to the side and putting it in front of Luna.)

Kima : Calm down, Luna!

Luna : How could I ever calm down?!

(Artifice sighs and scratches the back of her head, closing her eyes while annoyance takes over her mood.)

Artifice : You know, in all seriousness, I never really liked you from the start. Do you mind if I get rid of you?

Luna : Huh?

Artifice : I said, you're an eyesore so begone from my sight!

(As soon as she said that, she opens her hand from below and small white particles came out from her hand, only to form a solidified knife identical to what she was holding earlier. Artifice then grabs the knife and throws it at Luna with irritation. For Luna, she was so preoccupied with her emotions that she sees the knife coming at her but without giving her full attention to it.)

Luna : Eh...?

(The moment she comes back to her senses, the knife already pierced her pink uniform in the chest area and is being pushed from the force of the knife. In each milisecond her body falls to the floor, Kima looks at her, speechlessly befuddled. The crew's eyes were also lured by her body falling down. It seems they had to witness yet again a team member dying in front of their eyes. Luna's body finally touches the floor, leaving the knife on her chest like an excalibur. Jumbled thoughts start to rile their minds, making their mouths create a slight opening.)

Gemi : You're kidding me...

Kima : ...

Kima : Luna...?

(It was a soft, yet a desperate call. But even if she was calling Luna's name, Luna did not answer. Kima was just greeted with a lull in her ears to her disappointment.)

Artifice : Just had to remove her, don't mind it. By the way, are we continuing this agreement or not? I'm tired of waiting.

(Similar to Luna, Kima also felt the rage and hate inside her. But she knows that she had to hold it in or the very same thing would also happen to her life. Kres, on the other hand, loses his usual face and is now showing a slight yet obvious hint of terror.)

Artifice : Look, if you're not gonna participate, then I'll just have to kill you right here. You're definitely starting to bore me.

(Said in utter vexation, her eyes half open.)

Kima's mind : If only... If only I had something in mind...

Artifice : One...

Kima's mind : What should we do? Do we act now? Kres is not giving any orders.

Artifice : Two...

Kima's mind : Please someone...! Save us!

Artifice : Thre---Hm?

(Artifice suddenly senses something at the entrance of the sector and almost immediately turns her head to that direction. To her surprise, the locked metal doors that caged in the victims exploded and fills the room with gray smoke. The deafening racket of the explosion caused the crewmates' ears to ring as though hearing obnoxious, endless sirens.)

(Kima coughs up and tries to see what's going on despite having foggy vision and a stinging sensation in the eyes. She saw particular silhouettes that start to highlight themselves in the gray smoke paired up with fast footsteps gradually getting louder and louder until they slowly unveil their figures to the outside. Certain people with different colored uniforms appear before her eyes.)

Aphelion : Check all the injured!

Exus : Right on it!

(The group of people disperses and each one goes to each crewmate fallen to the ground due to the explosion.)

Lucrecia : Are you all right?

(A woman in a violet uniform gets close and kneels at Kima, gently and worriedly asking her current state.)

Kima : Lucrecia...?

(Kima looks at Lucrecia with surprise subtly expressed on her face. It seems that based on her tone, she familiarizes the person in front of her.)

Kima : Then, that means...

(She waves around her head and looks around, trying to find a certain someone. And sure enough, the person she wants to see appears in front of her eyes.)

Huca : Cover the crewmates. Make sure no one gets hurt.

Kima : B-Brother!

Huca : Yo, it's been a while, Kima.

[To Be Continued]

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