Ep.9 (Part 2)

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(Before they all separated and did their tasks, Edelweiss, who was restless, asked the traumatized Gemi if he was okay to help out in the current situation.)

Edelweiss : Gemi, are you okay? If you don't feel like it, you can just leave everything to Aero and the rest.

Gemi : Thanks for the concern, but I'm really fine. I don't want to burden everyone just because of my brother's death...

(And yet, despite all he said, Gemi's face screams of agony. It was pretty evident to the whole crew that he was struggling of putting up a front, but they also knew not to say anything further even if they're worried inside or that might make Gemi feel even more worse.)

Edelweiss : Fine. If you don't feel well, just let Aero know, okay? Hey, you know what to do, right?

Aero : Clear as a crystal, Hana.

Gemi : I understand.

Edelweiss : Then, Team Cassleus, let's get some tools and move out!

(In Edelweiss's signal, they all went to Storage getting their share of tools and split up with their own respective groups and made their way to repair the damages. The odd group, which consists of Luna, Kima, and Aether, headed beside the entrance to Storage as their first location of fixing the wires.)

Luna : Is Gemi really gonna be okay?

Kima : We all know that he's very sad right now. But if we had the time to comfort him, it'd be better to put that into trying to survive for now.

(Kima opens an electric box that contained a plethora of cable wires and starts to investigate the problem.)

Aether : He's not also the only one who's depressed about it. Everybody in the team feels the same way. After all...

(Aether turns around to the Balcony, looking at the very machine dyed in fresh blood where Reini's corpse was found.)

Aether : ...Reini was a part of the energetic duo in the team, who lightened our days from their overwhelming enthusiasm.

(It was needless to say that Luna also felt the same way, but not as heavy as what her other teammates felt. She knows that, and feels little bit of guilt. While melancholic emotions fly here and there, Kima, who's finding the damaged wires, broke their bubbles of thought.)

Kima : Eh?

Aether : What's wrong?

Kima : These wires...

Kima : They were cut, and a clean one at that.

Aether : I thought it was just because of the rodents or it had overheating problems.

Kima : There's no way this kind of cut was made by a rodent.

Luna : If they were cut, then who did it?

Kima : The three of us here have the same question. I'll probably report this to Kres later. For now, I'll fix this.

(Kima then starts using the tools inside the toolbox to fix the damages. After a few minutes, Kima closes the electric box and grabs the toolbox, leaving the repaired and connected cable wires inside.)

Kima : Okay, I'm done here. Let's go to the next one. And by the way, we'll take turns after each one we fix.

Aether : Got it.

Luna : Um...

Kima : Don't worry, Luna. We'll show you how to do it.

Luna : Sorry for the trouble.

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