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🐉The Beast🐉
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The two Kings marched on the coarse terrain, as their eyes wandered about in search of the young boy. Caspian noticed Edmund taking larger strides ahead of him, almost as if avoidant of a confrontation.

"Edmund, wait up," Caspian called out to his friend, sprinting towards him. "I'm sorry about earlier."

Edmund met his gaze. He yearned to convey so much to Caspian. Everything he had spewed earlier was entirely false. In fact, he held Caspian in high regard, never once associated him with his lineage, and accepted him as a part of their family, just like Charlotte. However, it would have been much too emotional for him to disclose such thoughts.

"Me too," he softly apologised, "I didn't mean any of that, really. I haven't the slightest clue what came over me."

"I know what you mean," Caspian nodded, "everything that happened with Peter was in the past, I don't know why I ever called—"

"It's alright, Cass," Edmund held out his palm towards him, "I know, all too well, that brothers fight all the time."


The two travelled in silence, trying to focus on their objective. They were still shaken up by their squabble before, uncertain how to move forward. Edmund had never let his emotions damage his relationship with Caspian, that he was guilt-ridden by the circumstances of their bond.

"I've never doubted your leadership at all, by the way," he finally admitted, "if you feel bad about running the kingdom differently from your father, please don't."

"I suppose so, it haunts my mind that he'd be disappointed, Narnia today is nothing like what my ancestors built..." Caspian agreed half-heartedly, meeting his gaze, "I'm not my father, but my own person."

Edmund affirmed his perspective with a proud beam. "And you're doing a great job leading it your way."

Silence surfaced again, prompting them to reflect on themselves. In that silence, Edmund was washed over by guilt over everything. He struggled to let him know that brothers, especially when fighting, never actually mean any of their words, but simply wish to vent their frustration. Unfortunately, that often meant displacing their anger brutally on one another.

"I never cared for leadership, believe me," Edmund clarified with him, "it's just that, I've never felt respected. I thought things might change this time, that others would see me for who I really am, the Just King who repented. Charlotte was the first and only one, who truly upholds that belief."

"As I do, Ed," Caspian confirmed. "We could all learn a thing or two from her."

"Yeah," Edmund chuckled, "now, where is that boy? He shouldn't have wandered that far, how big could this island actually be?"

"Eustace?" Caspian called out. "Come on, it's time to go!"

"Eustace! Eustace!" Edmund echoed edgily.

They halted in their tracks when light reflected into their eyes from the grounds. Their heads turned to their right, immediately noticing a landfill of gold, silver, and gems.

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