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Edmund took a deep breath, as he knocked on a door thrice. He stepped backwards, adjusting his collar and rearranging a few peonies in the bouquet that he delicately picked out earlier. The door swung open, revealing Charlotte's aunt who slightly towered over him.

"Good evening, Ma'am," he greeted modestly with a bow. "I'm here to take Charlotte out for the evening."

"Nice to see you, lad, give her a moment, will you?" She waved her hand, "and please, you don't have to bow, we're not in Narnia. I'm no longer a Queen."

"Perhaps you might've forgotten, and I shall remind you of Aslan's words," he suggested, "once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen of Narnia."

"Even a traitor like me?"

"Even a traitor may mend," Edmund beamed in thoughtfulness, placing a hand over his chest as he lowered the bouquet, "I have known one that did."

She raised her eyebrows, impressed with his formidable perspective that reframed her in a positive light.

"You really are the Just King."

Charlotte hurried towards the door, greeting her beau with a lively wave and flashing her smile. Edmund blinked slowly, scanning her up and down as he absorbed the seraphic sight.

Her dress coloured with shades of blue captured the light of the night, enhancing her luminous features. Her hair was curled in soft waves that delicately fell past her shoulders, complementing her facial features elegantly.

"Whoa, uh..." He choked out almost breathlessly. He then recalled the bouquet sitting in his palms, and stretched his arms forward, presenting it delicately.

Her eyes sparkled at the romantic gesture as she grabbed it. "How thoughtful, thank you! Aunt Jill, can you please help me place them in my room?"

Her guardian nodded, receiving the bouquet from her. Edmund stuck out his elbow, patiently waiting. "Ready for our evening together?"

She nodded, hooking her hands onto his arm, "I'll be back by eleven, Aunt Jill."

"You best be home by ten, eleven's far too late."

"How about half past ten?"

"Alright," she finally agreed, "have fun and stay safe, you both."

The two strolled together under the dark shades in the sky. Charlotte immediately took the opportunity to question Edmund about his family.

"So how's everyone back home?"

"Oh, well, Peter's passed his exams with flying colours, I reckon he's got a bright future ahead. Su's been receiving love letters from abroad since they returned home, a proposal can't be far behind. Lucy's been volunteering at the shelter, she mentioned something about inspiring children to find their confidence."

"That's nice," Charlotte broke into a smile hearing about their lives, "And Eustace?"

"Oh, that bloke, we've been exchanging letters, it feels so surreal that we've gotten close since our adventure in Narnia," he pondered over the fond memories, "his school semester's just beginning soon with that friend of his, last I heard from him."

He then scrunched his nose, cringing at his next words, "Also, Lu was too excited about our little secret that she let the cat out of the bag to Mum."

"Oh! Well, how did she take it?"

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