||Book Trivia||

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Behold, a behind-the-scenes chapter where you get a peek into the development of this sequel. I just really enjoying reflecting on my thought processes, writing experiences, and crediting the inspirations behind these ideas and storytelling. Let's get to it!

✏️ The title was inspired by this song Floating by Alina Baraz feat Khalid. I was obsessed with the filous remix version at the time, and was going through a crisis because I considered Turning Tides and The Lost Queen but these titles were plentiful on this platform that made me a lil insecure about oRigInALiTy. At the end of the day, this is far from original, because of the various inspirations behind these story ideas and writing 💀

✏️ Bits of its lyrics were utilised in describing Charlotte's thought processes in a few chapters. It's a writing hack I use, being all "write that down✍️" when I hear songs using figurative language. Some of my writing was also inspired by other songs like Strong by One Direction (I had to use their sea metaphors, it was a golden opportunity) and K-Pop songs (their lyrics 😍🔥). That's also how some chapter titles were made, I literally just smacked a song title that encapsulated the theme of the chapter 💀

✏️ I'm no Christian like C.S. Lewis, but I am quite spiritual so I picked out certain verses from the scripture I follow, and spiritual quotes that I've heard, because essentially these faiths do preach similar principles that offer perspectives in overcoming challenges 🥹🩵

✏️ In my head, I started referencing Wendy Darling from Peter Pan (she gives Hufflepuff vibes heh), traces of Alice from Alice in Wonderland, and a smidge of Katara from Avatar The Last Airbender for Charlotte's character traits, hence she's portrayed mostly as the mom friend. I totally love badass heroines, but I also adore traditionally feminine and sweet heroines (that being said, I hope to explore writing badass heroines one day hehe)

✏️ While writing this book, I got hooked on Star Wars. Hence, the memes and references sprinkled in, and Leia's slavery to Jabba the Hut inspiring Charlotte's slavery in Chapter 10-11, and Ewan McGregor 🤭 (not me simping for Charlotte's father 💀). If you caught any references from other franchises, they're most likely intentional 💀

✏️ I'd actually already been imagining Ewan McGregor and Hayley Atwell as Charlotte's parents since the beginning. Disney's Christopher Robin inspired this imagination, because of their chemistry as spouses (I included them in the cast because of my plan to end the story through their eyes, although their quotes were simply to illustrate their characteristics and thus weren't used in the story unlike the other characters' quotes)

✏️ Emily Blunt's work as the Ice Queen in Huntsman: Winter's War inspired my thought process of Charlotte's aunt following the path of the White Witch that could be a possible reason that she distanced herself from Narnia and dismissed it as a fantasy

✏️ Ms Prewett's name was taken from Molly Weasley's maiden name from Harry Potter. So I automatically imagined her as the therapist 💀

✏️ The light analogy used to describe Edmund as a light in Charlotte's life was based on a counselling session. I described myself walking through a dark tunnel without seeing a light at its end, and the counsellor posed a question as to what I could do. Some suggestions were to keep walking until I found a light source to keep me company, or to even find a light from within. Guess you could say that Edmund, being the character with a torch 🔦, was Charlotte's light source in this story 💀 (but it's nice that she also found light within herself along the way)

✏️ I actually considered pulling a C.S. Lewis and ending the plot with Charlotte coming to terms with Aunt Jill forgetting Narnia like Susan's arc, but gravitated towards Edmund's arc instead. It would've been interesting to explore that direction though 🥹

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