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☁️Aslan's Country☁️
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With Tavros' and Drinian's assistance, they all boarded a boat and were lowered from the vessel. Once they had landed on the waters, Edmund and Caspian grabbed the oars, rowing in unison.

"So, how'd you transform yourself back, Eustace?" Charlotte curiously raised, turning to the young boy beside her.

"It's funny that you asked, because I didn't," Eustace subconsciously smiled, "Aslan did that."

The boys immediately halted their rowing motions, and the boat drifted aimlessly in the seawater. Everyone stared at Eustace with agape jaws, astonished at his mention of Aslan. Eustace sheepishly scratched the back of his head at their bewildered reactions. "Yeah, he came to my rescue when I least expected it..."

"So what was it like, when Aslan changed you back?"

"No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't do it myself," he recalled vividly, "then he came towards me. It sort of hurt but, it was a good pain. You know, like when you pull a thorn from your foot... Being a dragon wasn't all bad — I mean, I think I was a better dragon than I was a boy, really... I'm so sorry for being such a sop."

"It's okay Eustace," Edmund pardoned, "I mean, you are a pretty good dragon. We ought to let bygones be bygones."

"Didn't I tell you?" Charlotte nudged the boy. "An adventure in Narnia could do wonders."

Eustace pondered over her suggestion in a pensive state. Then, a bright beam broke through his features.

"Aslan guides whom he wills, I'm just lucky."

"My friends, we have arrived," Reepicheep announced, in awe of the heavenly shores, "it's even more majestic than I imagined it to be."

The shores were frosted with waves and topped with bright clouds. The waves were a refreshing sight for sore eyes, and its soothing serene sounds softly swayed in their ears. As the boat reached its shores, they lifted themselves off the boat and treaded on the sand, oblivious to a shadow trailing behind them.

Eustace turned his head over his shoulder, immediately noticing his presence. "Aslan."

Everyone paused in their tracks at the mention of his name, slightly fumbling over their feet in shock as they turned their attention towards the lion.

"Welcome, children, you have done well, very well indeed. You have come far, and now, your journey is at its end."

"Is this your country?" Lucy clarified.

"No, my country lies beyond," they followed his gaze towards the top of the streams that concealed his secret paradise from their vision.

"Is my father in your country?" Caspian queried.

"You can only find that out for yourself, my son."

"D'you suppose we could have a visit?" Charlotte's eyes were fraught with rapture, as she broke into an impetuous sprint towards the waves before Edmund could grab her hand. Lucy held her palm out to Edmund, cuing him to respect Charlotte's autonomy. He gulped, watching her slowing down at the foot of the upward streams.

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