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🌟To Ramandu's Island🌟
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Next to a sea of silence, the group slept in serenity. The flame had gone out, replaced with a trail of smoke swaying through the air. Gael stirred awake, catching a glimpse of sparkling blue hues in the morning sky.

She gasped, crying out delightfully. "It's the blue star!"

Lucy and Caspian immediately were on their feet, analysing its presence to make sure of its authenticity. Charlotte crawled over to a sleeping Edmund, gently shaking his shoulder. Edmund woke up begrudgingly with a mellow moan, then glanced at everyone around him when he had reached full consciousness.

"It's so beautiful..." Lucy commented, in awe of the blue hues.

It was planted like a seed in the sky, twinkling bright as ever. It shone brighter, as if beckoning for them to follow it.

"We've got to hurry, not a moment to lose!" She called on the rest, nudging Caspian to prepare the boat.

"Wait, what shall we do about Eustace?" Charlotte prompted. "We haven't thought of a solution yet."

They halted in their tracks, glancing back at the dragon. The dragon was equally clueless, staring back at them for solutions. Edmund, with his hands on his hips, ambled towards the dragon, scanning his features with a vague idea in mind.

"What about those wings?" He nodded his index finger upwards and downwards at Eustace's wings. "Think you can exercise them, cous?"

"I don't see why not," Caspian agreed, "he flew quite a long distance yesterday—"

"In what seemed like minutes, sure, but what about days?" Edmund expressed his concern to the rest of the group. "Who knows how long the journey would take to Ramandu's Island?"

The group pondered for a minute. Their struggles were solely dependent on how quickly the blue star would lead them to another island, which could take an infinite number of days for all they knew.

"Eustace could be our eyes in the sky," Charlotte suggested, "he could search for land, perhaps? We could take breaks in between and replenish our supplies."

"I'll keep him company," Reepicheep climbed onto the dragon, "and I'll let you know if he shows signs of exhaustion!"

"Well, then," Lucy quickly concluded, "let's get to it!"

They wasted no time getting into the boat. Together, they rowed themselves all the way to the Dawn Treader. As soon as they arrived on the ship, Drinian was a step ahead of them in giving out orders to the ship crew, setting sail immediately in pursuit of the blue star.

"Onward, lad!" Reepicheep raised his sword. "It's now or never!"

Eustace flapped his wings, and pushed himself off the ground. He caught up to the ship in seconds, and ascended in the sky.

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Unfortunately, they spoke too soon. When hours passed under the scorching sun, the ship's crew grew tiresome. No land was spotted for rejuvenation, rations depleted by the afternoon, and everyone started complaining of the long hours pushing and pulling for the ship to proceed onward. Even Eustace staggered in his flight without the winds.

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