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✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
⛰️Dark Island⛰️
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

As Eustace manoeuvred through the diaphanous clouds, his chest heaved heavily. He sliced the mists obstructing his vision, having gained confidence in his flight navigation abilities. Eventually, the mists cleared with the use of his flapping wings, completing his view of the island.

"There it is, my friend," Reepicheep patted him, "our battle awaits..."

Eustace's eyes widened at the island ahead. The longer he glanced at the mouth of the cave that grinned back at him sinisterly, the greater his urge to retreat grew. It was wide and swarmed with green mists, ready to devour him. Finally, he could not stand it, and made a swift turnaround.

"Ah! Eustace, no! Halt!" Reepicheep clung onto him, tugging at his skin desperately for his attention. "Eustace, stop! Stop!"

At his final command, Eustace immediately halted, flapping his wings mid-air. Reepicheep tumbled onto the dragon's nose, grasping at his nostrils.

"I will not accept surrender!" The mouse berated as he climbed onto the dragon's snout. "A noble warrior does not run from fear. Look at me, look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Eustace's eyes raised begrudgingly.

"I am a mouse," Reepicheep gestured between them, emphasising the juxtaposition in size, "you, you're a dragon! You've got skin like chain mail, you breathe fire! Why do you think Charlotte and Edmund requested your help at all?"

Eustace was still uncertain, grumbling in response.

"They see greatness in you, Eustace! Don't you see? They all have faith in you, I have faith in you," Reepicheep climbed onto his head, "so don't you dare let us down, my boy!"

He patted Eustace's head and fished out his sword. "Come on! Let's meet our destiny!"

Eustace headed on straight towards the island, with a steady flight path full of determination.

Once the four royals met with the crew, silence seeped into the atmosphere and all eyes were fixated on their King. Caspian met Edmund's eyes, silently pleading for help. Edmund gestured with his head, cuing Caspian to calm their nerves. Caspian trudged to the front of the crew, inhaling and exhaling deeply before he spoke.

"No matter what happens here, every soul who stands before me has earned their place on the crew of the Dawn Treader." Caspian assured his crew, his eyes scanning the crowd before him. "Together, we have travelled far... Together, we have faced adversity... Together, we can do it again. So now is not the time to fall to fear's temptations... Be strong! Never give in."

Caspian met eyes with Edmund, who nodded approvingly. Tranquility traveled through Caspian's soul in gratitude of him. Without a father figure to support his leadership, Edmund certainly fulfilled that role as a brotherly figure.

"Our world, our Narnian lives depend on it," he resumed his speech. "Think of the lost souls we're here to save. Think of Aslan, think of Narnia."

"For Narnia!" The crew erupted with cheers in high spirits.

Lucy joined in the cheers, influencing Gael to follow suit. Caspian met Edmund's proud gaze, recalling his affirmations on his leadership. Caspian returned his smile, giving an appreciative nod to his support.

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