||Deleted Scenes||

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Here's a compilation of deleted scenes that were scrapped off the storyline! When I scrap scenes, I always store them in some unpublished chapters in case I decide to reintegrate them into the story or/and revise/improve on them later on. These scenes never made it back into the plot, I've left them unedited so they may not be written with compelling storytelling, or flow well with the plot you came to read due to plot revisions. I'll skip over small segments that were extracted from these scenes and edited into the actual plot (because it would be a lil' repetitive and much too long).

[Context: Mrs Scrubb conversing with Charlotte about Aunt Jill — scrapped off Chapter 3/4 due to not vibing with Mrs Scrubb's character 🫤]

When Charlotte emerged from the bathroom after a night's shower in her nightgown, she was met face to face with Mrs Scrubb.

"Oh, Ma'am," she greeted, passing by her quickly.



"My condolences for your loss," she said, holding out a picture frame of her and a group of ladies, "I heard about your mother and father from Jill."

Charlotte glanced at the frame, immediately making out Aunt Jill's face among the crowd.

"It's not your doing," Charlotte sighed with a small smile, "suppose we'll all welcome death in our own time."

"You're very mature for your age," Mrs Scrubb chuckled, "Jill's mentioned you quite a lot."

"She has?"

"But I don't remember her ever describing you in this way."

"Well, how does she describe me then?"

"She mentioned that you've quite the imagination, can be out of touch with reality," she shared, "but it seems to me that she may be the one who's out of touch with reality."

Charlotte tilted her head, sending her a quizzical look.

"She throws herself into her work," the woman explained, "it's heartbreaking to see. She confided in me when it happened, and after that, pretty much all her emotions were on shutdown."

Charlotte stood in disbelief, pondering over the hassles Aunt Jill had put her through psychotherapy when Aunt Jill herself clearly displayed abnormal behaviour herself. A part of her drowned in pity for her aunt, while the other part of her boiled with rage.

"She always says that she's fine, or rather that she needs to be fine to continue her work," Mrs Scrubb added as she placed the frame down, "and ensure that you finish your education and make something of yourself in the future. That seems to be her goal."

"Oh..." Charlotte trailed off, immediately feigning a yawn to exit the conversation.

"Oh, please, do get some rest."

[Context: Charlotte waking Edmund on the Dawn Treader — Scrapped off Chapter 13 due to saving on word count and jumping straight to Eustace waking up as the intro]

When the sun greeted the sea and the skies, Charlotte felt its rays passing through the windows. She stirred awake from her slumber with hesitation to open her eyes. Upon realising that Lucy had already risen and left their quarters, she got herself ready.

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