Intro and Notes

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~ Disclaimer ~

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

~ Warnings ~

Strong language (c'mon now, it's Vincent) and some sexual scenes—not anything insanely explicit.

~ Author's note ~


I just wanted to cover some things before we get into the story.

If you don't know, this is a spin-off of my other book 'Flowers for Football.' You don't necessarily have to read that one first, but I will be mentioning a lot of events, characters, and plot points that are touched on in that story.

And now for my usual spiel: If you are homophobic, go away. Please and thank you.

On a more serious note, culture is a very big part of this story (Vincent's story specifically). That being said, the culture I will be writing about IS NOT MY OWN. I will say that I am someone who always puts a lot of research into each of my stories, though, because I want to make them as authentic and as real as possible. I am trying to steer clear of stereotypes, but I want the representation to feel genuine at the same time. That being said, if something feels off or offensive to you, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I'll change it in a heartbeat. I'm only here because I love to provide entertainment with my stories; I would never want anyone to feel hurt by what I write.

Another point I want to bring up: I know I usually make a cast (tbh, I don't know how much of you actually like that), but I'm simply omitting it from this story because a lot of the characters I mention are in 'Flowers for Football' and because the story follows the course of a couple of years. This means that a character brought up in one chapter may not necessarily come back.

I know my uploads have been pretty consistent in the past, but I simply cannot promise that for this story because I'm attending university and simply don't know how busy I'll be. Nevertheless, I HATE UNFINISHED I promise you'll never get that from me. All in all, I'll be uploading pretty much any time I finish a chapter, and, if possible, I'll shoot for once a week/ once every other week.

If you need a reminder of what Vinny and the Original Hottie look like:

Vincent Russell

Vincent Russell

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Hayden Williams

Hayden Williams

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