Chapter 6 // What a Shitshow

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Sophomore year / Age 16...

Vincent is buttoning up a chic collared shirt when there is a rhythmic knock on the door that he easily recognizes. Thoughts of incoming dread were invading his mind at the impending family event, but he is glad to have a little distraction.

"Come in, Val," he smiles, walking over to his desk to grab his cufflinks.

The little girl pops her head in before quietly closing the door. She is already dressed in a flowy white dress with her hair arranged in cute pigtails, laced with white ribbons. She excitedly plants herself on Vincent's bed, looking at her big brother enthusiastically.

"Where is your partner in crime?" Vincent teases.

"Partner in crime?" she repeats in confusion, kicking her legs back and forth.

"Vance, you silly goose," Vincent chuckles.

"Oh!" she exclaims, lighting up at the mention of her other half. She gets distracted from her thoughts when she watches Vincent grab a hairbrush and some pomade. "Wait, can I do it? Pleaseeeee," Valerie begs.

"Sure," Vincent grins, handing her the styling brush and product.

Vincent doesn't exactly trust his four-year-old sister to do his hair properly, so he purposely positions himself on the floor in front of his full-length mirror to watch her actions. Valerie slightly sticks her tongue out as she focuses on the task ahead, getting on her knees to fully reach her brother's head.

Vincent honestly feels like his hair is being ripped out when Valerie drags the brush along his head, but she looks so happy that he can't bring himself to say anything.

After a few minutes pass, Vincent notices Valerie's conflicted expression through the mirror. Although she is struggling with his hair, it looks like something completely unrelated is twisting her features and begging to be let out.

"What's wrong?" Vincent asks softly.

She makes eye contact with him through the mirror. Vincent can instantly read the sadness in her eyes. He quickly turns around to scoop her up in his arms. He softly pats her back and waits for her response.

"I don't like watching Mommy and Daddy yell at Vance," she whispers.

"What? Why were they yelling at him?" Vincent says in confusion.

Vance is honestly a perfect child who never demands too much and always follows instructions. If anything, the little rebel in their family is Valerie herself.

Vincent places his little sister on the edge of the bed and kneels in front of her.

"They get angry at him a lot for not talking," she sniffs. "And their yelling scares him."

Vincent has always kept a close eye on his brother. Even though he is still pretty young, Vincent knows that something is different about him.

He's done careful research and he's sure that it can only be one thing: selective mutism.

He has yet to bring it up with his parents because most types of disorders or disabilities are commonly looked down upon in their culture. Knowing how taboo it still is in their homeland, Vincent's parents just won't get it.

He's sure that his parents have already started implementing the stress of perfection on the twins. Vincent understands that image is very important to them, but at the same time, he would hate for his brother to not even feel comfortable enough to speak to their parents because they are constantly hounding him for something he can't control instead of supporting him.

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