Chapter 9 // The Double Breakup

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A week after the last day of high school / Age 18...

Hayden is pacing around his kitchen, nails chewed into little nubs as he can find nothing else to soothe his nerves. Seeing Hayden like this is quite an unusual feat, but there is so much lying on the flimsy envelope cast on the tabletop.

Vincent sighs for the umpteenth time. When he agreed to come over to Hayden's house, he wasn't expecting to watch Hayden pace for over an hour.

"Hayden," Vincent says calmly, despite how much he wants to punch his counterpart right now. "Listen, I love you and all, but if you don't open that damn letter, I am going to give you a paper cut and then put hand sanitizer on it."

"Ouch," Hayden grimaces. "Don't be so violent, Vinny. This is an important moment for me!"

"Well, I'm feeling downright homicidal, so I suggest you figure something out soon."

Hayden only huffs. He pauses to take a peek at the envelope on the table that is addressed to him in fancy script. His hand slowly, almost achingly reaches for the paper, before shooting back so abruptly to his chest that Vincent has to facepalm.

"I'm sorry! I just can't do it," Hayden exclaims before pacing again.

Meanwhile, Scott is sitting opposite to Vincent, observing their interactions with a smile. He knows how ridiculous his son is, so he wasn't exactly expecting him to open his college acceptance letter anytime soon, but watching Vincent's buttons get pushed is quite humorous, especially since no matter how many times he complains, he always stays.

"How do you tolerate this on a daily basis?" Vincent mutters to Scott, tiredly propping his head up on his palm.

"The same way you do," Scott chuckles. "You tune it out after a while."

"Not helping, Dad," Hayden snaps, glaring at his father.

Scott shrugs innocently.

"I don't get why this is such a big deal," Vincent sighs.

"Easy for you to say, 4.3 GPA," Hayden snaps back.

"Come here," Vincent commands softly, kicking out the chair beside him and patting the open seat.

Hayden slouches into the seat, glaring at the possible death note lounging on the dining room table.

"It won't be the end of the world if you don't get in," Vincent explains softly.

Hayden scoots a little closer at the caring tone in his voice.

Scott was about to give Hayden the same pep talk, but it looks like Vincent is covering the task just fine.

"But it will, Vincent," Hayden explains with a downcast expression. "How can I ever prove to myself that I can truly be something if all the times I've slacked off come back to bite me in the ass. Besides...I want to stay close to you."

Scott smiles knowingly.

"You could always try again next year," Vincent explains. "You could even take a gap year before joining me."

Hayden shakes his head. "Do you know how much can change in a year? I don't want to risk it."

Vincent lets out a laugh. "And what's going to change, dumbass?"

"I don't know," Hayden mumbles self-consciously. "You might run off and make new friends without me."

...And I'll be forgotten like I have been time and time again, Hayden thinks but doesn't say.

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