Chapter 19 // Show and Tell

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Age 26...

Vincent lets his thoughts run rampant when he steps into the inviting stream of hot water, pouring in from the shower. The entire bathroom is lightly covered in mist as a slight fog clings onto any glass and mirrored surface in sight.

It's finally summer break, and Vincent would be lying if he said he wasn't desperate for the vacation. He wanted to give teaching elementary schoolers one final chance to prove they were worthy of his time, but Vincent just couldn't take it anymore. They are too much, and half of the time they don't even comprehend the shit that Vincent is saying. He can confidently say that he doesn't have the patience for those children.

Vincent closes his eyes and cards his fingers through his hair, making sure every strand is just as soaked as the next. The water trailing down his back provides a nice warm feeling that Vincent definitely needs to both soothe his mind and wake him up.

Vincent would never admit this out loud, but he wants to be able to bond with those who love reading just as much as him without people tossing him glances of judgment and the fear of kids stereotyping him. It's kind of hard to share a passion with a kindergartener, much less a second-grader, when all they care about is a hungry caterpillar. Next school year, Vincent is transitioning into an eighth-grade teacher and he couldn't be more excited. Even if they will probably hate him for the amount of work he gives and his I-don't-give-a-shit attitude, Vincent will feel like he belongs in his profession. Not only that, but it's like a big 'fuck you' to his parents to show that he is content and comfortable; something they claimed he wouldn't be if he didn't take their advice on how to live life.

Vincent would be lying if he said that he didn't want time to slow down before he returned to work, though. He and Hayden have been so busy for the past few months that it honestly feels like he hasn't gotten to cherish having his boyfriend by his side. Hayden has literally been jumping from job to job, certainly taking Vincent's advice to find something he is passionate about, but it is taking a toll on both of their mental healths since neither one feels a sense of security with where they are at right now. Vincent can see that it's affecting Hayden more than he would ever admit.

Vincent hasn't told Hayden yet, but he really wants to buy a house together, but that will only be accomplished after Hayden has a fixed income, and Vincent would never rush Hayden in this aspect. He's already hard enough on himself.

Under the torrent of water, Vincent doesn't notice when Hayden quietly pries the shower door open and steps inside. He slightly startles Vincent when he kisses all across his shoulders before happily fusing his cheek to his boyfriend's slick back as his arms coil around his neck. His eyes slip shut as if he's still in the comfort of his bed with Vincent lying next to him.

Vincent laughs because of course the first thing Hayden wants to do when he gets up in the morning is be clingy.

"Why are you taking a shower without me?" Hayden mumbles, and Vincent can hear the familiar pout in his tone. Hayden is feeling offended because often his favorite part of the day is their morning showers because of the closeness he shares with Vinny that he can't get anywhere else. His boyfriend is undeniably his and he wouldn't give that up for the world.

"Sorry," Vincent chuckles, Hayden's lips tugging up at the sound. "I wanted to let you sleep. You deserve a break."

Hayden doesn't think he does but he knows better than to voice those thoughts because he'll probably get slapped.

Hayden steps away from his boyfriend and tugs on his arm; a request to make him turn around. Vincent easily follows the command.

Vincent laughs softly at Hayden's drowsy appearance. He reaches out and brushes Hayden's cheek before saying, "You have pillow creases on your face."

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