Chapter 4 // Bottoms Up

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Freshman year / Age 15...

Vincent is walking down the hallway after the school bell rings, searching around in confusion for someone who typically isn't too hard to find. By this time, Hayden is usually doing something stupid...or doing something while being obnoxiously loud. Vincent has texted him multiple times but he has yet to respond.

Vincent walks around for a few more minutes hoping to find his best friend, and just when he is about to give up, he walks past a classroom to find Leo, Sawyer, and Hayden through the window.

Vincent laughs when he sees the detention sign on the door because there is no way that Hayden didn't cause the trio to get in trouble. He continues peeking through the doorway to find the after-school supervisor asleep in his chair.

Vincent shrugs before walking into the classroom. What he walks into, though, is an intense arm wrestling competition. He wordlessly sits down beside the three boys and watches in amusement as Sawyer slowly overtakes Hayden.

"No, no, no," Hayden whispers pathetically, a pleading tone evident in his voice. "Soybean, no. Don't do this to me."

Sawyer smirks as his win is in sight.

"What happened to friendship?" Hayden continues, almost appearing to have tears in his eyes.

When Sawyer slams Hayden's hand on the table, he does a silent little celebration while Leo smiles and proudly pats him on the back. Hayden crumbles on the table, burying his head in his arms.

"You owe me five dollars," Sawyer smirks.

Hayden just whines to himself like a spoiled kid which causes Vincent to laugh. He playfully nudges him in the side.

Vincent was supposed to be walking home with Hayden by now, but he is very entertained nonetheless.

Suddenly, Hayden energetically pops up in his seat, startling nearly every one of his friends.

"Vinny, you next," Hayden smiles.

Vincent rolls his eyes but puts his elbow on the table, prepared to beat Hayden's ass...and that is exactly what he does.

Vincent wins the strength competition in less than three seconds, leaving Hayden's ego bruised for a second time.

Hayden dramatically throws himself over Vincent's lap like he is sickened by the thought of losing.

"Oh, help me, kind sir," he tells Vincent, staring up at him. "I fear that I'm suffering from deep, deep sorrow. Poor little old me."

He puts his hand to his forehead dramatically as Vincent rolls his eyes—just like he usually does when he is in his friend's presence.

Honestly speaking, there is only one reason for Vincent's amount of strength; his parents finally coming around.

Vincent refused to quit football and that led to a lot of fights with his parents. He would feel absolutely awful when it made his twin siblings cry, but the days of that are long past since they actually support him now.

When they attended his first football game of the season, Vincent almost couldn't believe it. There they were, cheering in another language like nobody's business and hyping Vincent up more than he could've ever imagined from his strict parents. He really appreciated it and the smile on his face was unmatched as his brother and sister waddled up to him to tell him how good he played.

When he saw his family's belief in him, Vincent truly wanted to start playing for himself. He began to put energy into his workouts, paid attention when the coach was talking, and bulked up more than anyone thought possible. He is definitely the strongest of the three and is building a notable reputation that he doesn't even want.

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