Chapter 18 // Wedding Bells

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Age 25...

Love is definitely in the air on this beautiful evening.

The breathtaking outdoor venue is finally filling up with close friends and family. Little chatter rushes among the crowd who can't wait to see the special couple dedicate their lives and hearts to one another in the most magical of ways. Everything is painted in splashes of crystal white and pastel shades to accompany the plethora of flowers littering the area under a bright blue sky. Anybody would be able to tell that a pretty penny was spent on this wedding, but according to Leo Gaines, it almost isn't enough.

Pacing around his groom suite and stressing about every little thing that is missing isn't soothing Leo's mind. In less than an hour, he is getting married to the love of his life, and unfortunately, his support is no help at all.

"Hayden, you want to go get manicures later?" Cecilia asks from the velvet sofa in the corner of the room, looking at her nails disapprovingly.

"Oh, I like the sound of that," Hayden smirks, sitting on the arm of the chair right next to her. He puts his hand out in front of his face to observe his nails. "What color should I get?"

"Oh, you're getting a color?" Cecilia says with mild surprise, her gaze briefly flitting over to observe a pacing Leo. "That might be the first badass thing you've done in your lifetime."

"Hm, what about pink?" Hayden chirps.

"Statement immediately revoked," Cecilia says playfully, nudging a sulking Hayden with her elbow.

"For the love of god," Leo breathes, his hands dramatically thrown out in front of him. "Could you guys please focus?!"

"On what?" Cecilia raises an eyebrow cheekily. "You not being able to get your shit together? It's quite funny to watch."

Leo looks at Jordan helplessly, who is also barely paying to the nervous groom as he flips through the magazines thrown about the table. He quickly looks at Leo and clears his throat, straightening up so he can try to be there for the person he has called his brother for so long. However, much like Cecilia and Hayden, he is getting annoyed by Leo's fruitless worrying—as if he has anything to worry about.

"Jordan, please say something," Leo begs, closing his eyes and anxiously running his hands through his hair before instantly pulling them away from his head, knowing that he just got his hair done.

" you want me to get you a shot or something?" Jordan says wearily because honestly, he's never had to deal with Leo like this.

"No. God, no," Leo says exasperatedly. "I'm not going to kiss my future husband with alcohol on my breath. Jesus Christ, he's going to be my husband." Leo puts a hand on his forehead and gulps thickly as he begins to pace for the umpteenth time. "Oh lord, Asher is going to be my husband soon. My fucking husband. I'm about to get married to—"

"My gosh, can we get this over with already?" Cecilia says, rolling her eyes. "Why are you getting cold feet? I thought we would be helping the quarterback of the nation get ready for his wedding, but nooooooooo. We are stuck babysitting."

Leo ignores her last comment and says, "Cold feet? Pfft, you think I'm getting cold feet? My feet are so hot, they are on fire. As a matter of fact—"

Leo begins to ramble and the other three in the room throw their heads back in disappointment because the man really can't get it together.

Jordan strolls over to the sofa, taking the open spot next to Cecilia.

"Mind if I just tag along on your little manicure trip?" Jordan asks.

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