Chapter 13 // Blossoming

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Summer before junior year of college / Age 20...

Vincent never thought he'd willingly walk into Esther's flower shop as a customer.

The small bell by the door chimes when he enters the floral paradise. The environment is peaceful and smells like a crisp meadow, but that doesn't distract from the brown-haired boy with a white flower tucked behind his ear as he sits on the counter with a poetry book in his hands.

"I don't think you are supposed to be doing that on the job," Vincent teases.

Asher's eyes peek up, a gentle smile painting his face when he sees Vincent.

"Well, I'm not a worker so technically, I can do whatever I want," he grins. "That's what happens when the Gaines family is smitten with you."

Vincent laughs, going in to give Asher a fist bump that he happily accepts. "How have you been? You look happy."

"I've been great," Asher says genuinely. "College has been kind of tough, but I'm getting by."

"Hard English classes?" Vincent guesses.

"That and a worrisome dad breathing down my neck," he giggles, but Vincent can tell that the comment about Oliver is lighthearted. "How has college life been treating you so far? Wait, what are you studying again?"

"I didn't tell you?" Vincent smiles.

Asher shakes his head.

"Education," Vincent answers.

"Oh my god!" Asher gasps. "Really?!"

Vincent nods with a small chuckle, expecting exactly that reaction from the person who made him realize that he wanted to be a teacher one day.

Honestly speaking, it's surprising to Vincent that he wants to have a profession that is dedicated to helping people. He would've never imagined it. If anything, he always expected a job where he'd be so far away from social interaction that it's considered unhealthy. However, after tutoring every single one of his friends at some point in high school—Asher taking up the majority of his time—he realized that he does enjoy sharing knowledge. Nothing is more rewarding than watching someone just light up at understanding a concept, especially someone as expressive as Asher.

Asher turns smug and crosses his arms. "I should get all the credit for helping you realize your dream job."

"You didn't do shit," Vincent scoffs, rolling his eyes, even though Asher is right.

"Mhmmmmm," he hums cheekily.

"Shut your fucking mouth," Vincent mutters lightheartedly. "You've gotten ballsy over the years."

Asher flashes Vincent a bright but innocent smile. Despite Vincent's hard exterior, he is proud of the person that Leo's boyfriend has grown into after all his hardships.

"Why are you here anyway?" Asher asks curiously, swinging his legs back and forth.

"I need flowers."

Asher just looks at him for a second. "You need flowers?" he repeats in amusement.

"Just get me some damn flowers and don't ask questions."

Asher snorts, "But you, Vincent Russell, need flowers? What could you possibly need flowers for?"

"Where's your fucking boyfriend?" Vincent sighs.

Asher laughs before calling out, "Leo?!"

"Yeah, gorgeous?!" says a voice from the back.

"This customer is giving me crap!"

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