Chapter 25 // Another Bitchin' Beginning

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Age 31...

Vincent immediately kicks his shoes off the second he enters the door. He sighs and runs a tired hand down his face as he carelessly tosses his keys and bag on the floor.

Vincent immediately advances toward the bedroom but stops when he hears Hayden's voice in the living room. He peeks around the corner. A fond smile tugs at his lips as he eavesdrops on his husband.

"See, look, here is our high school football photo," Hayden says softly. "God, I probably should've done my hair that day, right?" Hayden chuckles before flipping the page of what seems to be a yearbook. "I think I'm in at least half of these pictures of the student body. I had a reputation for photobombing." Another page flip. "Oh, I have to show you how handsome your papa was. I think I was drooling over the picture in my bedroom at the time because this was when he still didn't know I had a teensy crush on him."

"Hayden," Vincent laughs, finally announcing his presence as he walks over to the brunette. "She's already dead asleep. You are talking to nobody right now."

Hayden looks down at the little girl in his lap. He says silent for a moment just to hear her little snores. When her head slowly starts lolling to the side, Hayden quickly readjusts to make sure his daughter is well and comfortable.

"Dammit," Hayden sighs. "She never stays awake long enough for me to get to the good part."

"And that is?"

"When I joined the celibacy club for a day so that I could be in the picture and prove a point to my dad," Hayden answers easily.

Vincent bursts out laughing, "Are you fucking serious?"

"Mhm, I was in the female-only choir for a few weeks too."

"How the fu—"

Their daughter starts to stir and Hayden hastily shushes his husband.

Hayden then whispers, "Come here, Vinny...please."

Vincent easily follows the command, slowly sinking onto the couch next to Hayden and throwing an arm around his lover's shoulders. Like usual, he leans down and kisses his daughter on the forehead. He then closes his eyes and leans his head on the back cushion, sighing in contentment.

"Vinny," Hayden whines.


He pouts, "You forgot someone."

Vincent grins before leaning over and planting a couple of loving kisses down his pouty brunette's temple. Hayden slouches into his husband, also closing his eyes blissfully.

Since the birth of their daughter, the two haven't seen a whole lot of each other. Vincent works weekdays while Hayden works weekends so there is always someone watching their baby. Honestly, some couples aren't even granted the opportunity to have this much ease in the early months of being parents, so it's not that Vincent and Hayden are complaining, they've just been missing each other. Thank goodness there is a holiday coming up so the two can spend a full day together as opposed to a few hours before they have to go to bed.

"How was work?" Hayden whispers, slipping his hand under Vincent's shirt to feel his warmth.

"Same old," Vincent shrugs, raking his fingers through Hayden's beautiful hair. Hayden hums happily, his toes curling in his socks at the soft action. "The kids just did presentations today so I didn't do much. Oh yeah, I got offered a promotion too."

"That's great," Hayden says excitedly before quieting down when he looks at his daughter.

"Eh, I didn't take it," Vincent confesses.

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