Chapter 21 // Someone is Getting Killed Today

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Age 27...

"Crap," Hayden huffs as he stumbles around the house and hastily gets ready for work, which he is already late for.

He should've never promised Vincent that he would wake up after his snooze alarm went off this morning.

"Hayden," Vincent whispers.

Hayden blinks one eye open to find the blurry silhouette of his boyfriend leaning over him. Hayden softens at the gentle hand he feels in his hair and on his cheek.

"You gotta get up," Vincent explains. "Didn't you say you had a new client today?"

"Mhm," Hayden grumbles.

Silence persists for a few moments, and it's just enough time for Hayden to almost slip back into his sleep.

"Hay," Vincent prodds, rubbing his back. "You're going to be late if you don't get up now."

"Just a couple more minutes, Vinny," Hayden pouts. "I promise."

"Okay, I'm trusting you," Vincent says, and Hayden can hear the little smile in his tone. "I really gotta get going, but please don't forget to eat. I got you a bagel this morning and it's sitting on the counter. Oh, also, I'm taking you out to dinner tonight so work hard for me today, yeah?"

"Mhm," Hayden tiredly nods before puckering his lips.

"You're funny if you think I'm kissing you with your stanky-ass morning breath," Vincent chuckles, planting a long kiss just under his boyfriend's eye. "Love you."

"Love you too, hot stuff," Hayden whispers before rolling over to Vincent's side of the bed and snuggling deeper into the sheets.

"Ow, shit!" Hayden exclaims when he collapses to the ground as a result of trying to wrestle on some gym shorts. He rushes to the closet and grabs the closest dry-fit shirt possible, which happens to be Vincent's. He kneels and rummages around on the shoe rack to find his tennis shoes. He easily spots one but doesn't get so lucky on the second. Before he gets a chance to panic, he spots a sticky note planted on the shoe rack.

The other one is under the bed, you forgetful fucker.

Hayden grins before rushing back into the bedroom and, as promised, his other tennis shoe is easy to find. He quickly eases it on before scooping up his duffel bag and heading into the kitchen quickly.

Just as he is about to sit at the table and scarf down the bagel that his boyfriend sweetly bought for him, his phone starts ringing. He doesn't even look at the caller before answering.

"Hey, sorry I'm running super late so if I could call you back later, that—"

There is a sniffle on the other side of the line.

Hayden quickly pulls the phone away from his ear to check who it is, and instantly softens at the name.

"What's wrong, love?" Hayden says in a soothing voice, much different than his hurried actions.

"S-Sorry," Valerie sniffles. "I-It's not a big deal. I can just—"

"Nonsense, Valley girl," Hayden smiles, speedily grabbing his keys off the counter and striding to the door with all his necessities. "What's up?"

"Um, I-I know that Vincent would already be teaching by now and Vance has tutoring lessons, b-but I just really didn't know who else to call—"

"Hey, you know I'm here for you anytime you need me," Hayden interjects, pausing when he sees that there is another sticky note on the door.

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