(Prologue): The Man Wanted Dead

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On a small hidden island, in the farthest corner of the South Blue...

A Marine vessel docked on an island with No name.

For it wasn't allowed to have one. It's not supposed to exist. But only a handful of people were allowed to know about the Island. Only the Admiral on the vessel knew, that he would be the only man allowed to live after the mission.

The crew left the ship, following their Admiral across the island to their destination.

But in the storage room, within a box, a quiet, buzzing noise could be heard.


From the inside out, a hole was drilled out, allowing a yellow eye to peek out.

With the coast clear, the young man inside the box, climbed out. Sneaking across the ship to the kitchen where got himself something to eat.

(Munch, munch)

The young man had messy pink hair with blacks on the sides. He wore a yellow and purple short-sleeved button shirt, which only had four buttons fastened. He also had a pair of white swimming trunks and a pair of sandals.

(Rebel Pirate: Davy J.)

Davy:(munch, munch)... Let's have a peek.

Glancing out of a porthole, Davy did not recognize where he was in the world.

Thinking and thinking some more in complete silence, Davy just could not figure out where he was. Then it hit him.

There was absolute silence on the ship. No creeks from steps, no voices talking in the distance.

Getting bold, Davy went to the top deck and along his way, found no one. Going to the bridge, again, no one.

Davy: Free ship! Whooo!

He immediately rushed to raise the anchor, but then noticed a structure in the center of the island.

The Island with no name was probably 3 kilometers in diameter. All flat land, with a decent forest. And a building, slightly bigger than a tree was an eyecatcher.

Davy: Hmmm... What's the worst that could happen?

Deciding to sneak a peak before stealing a ship, Davy J hops off the Marine vessel. Traversing through the forest, Davy easily made it to the building where he discovered the door was unlocked.

Entering the facility he discovered it was hallowed. Containing another door. This one is locked tightly.

Davy: A locked door...

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