Archangel: Act 2

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Hearing a commotion outside, Shin and Ruby begrudgingly took a peek. With a creek of the door that made them cringe, the two had a crack to peek out and find Victor laying on the deck.

Ruby/Shin: Huh?

Rushing to the injured gunslingers side, the two tried to see how they could help.

Ruby: What happened?!

Victor:(coughs)... Couldn't... quite hit the vitals... Needed permission- ugh!

Falling unconscious, the two were left to ponder what Victor was trying to say, whilst completely unaware of the figure looming over them.

That is, when they saw their shadow get cast upon them.

Shin: Huh?


Ruby:(turns head)


Ruby: No...

(Opening Theme)


After getting dropped off onto the ship, Tiga randomly began exploring.

Eventually coming across the cafeteria, she beat up the cooks and behan to eat their prepared food.


Tiga:(sniff, sniff)... Davy!

Finding Davy's scent, Tiga was back on the hunt. She raced out of the cafeteria to try and find her captain.

Elsewhere, Jade was face to face with Davy J's grandfather and John Paul Jones's father. Admiral Koby.

Koby: A Helllord, right in front of me.

Jade: John's dear papa... It's been a while. And may I say how YOU'RE definitely where John got his looks from.

Koby: I'm taking you to the brig. For being my son's friend, I'll ask kindly... Only once.

Koby: Come quietly.

Jade: Oh honey, how loud I "come" depends on you~


Jade:(smirks) You know... I used to be into older guys, until I became an older woman. But you're just bringing that old desire back.

Koby: Not interested.

Jade: Too bad...Now if you don't mind, I have a ship to get back to. And anyone who gets in my way...

Jade: Will face my wrath.

Koby:(crosses arms) I've been fighting pirates since you were in diapers. You don't scare me one bit.


Jade: And like that... My love for older men dies again.

The two quickly throw a punch at each other.



Davy stumbled into the laboratory of Kai after the entire ship rumbled all of the sudden.

Kai:(looks around) Interesting...?

Kai: Well, anyway. Welcome to my third favorite laboratory. Shall we begin the experiment?

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