All Town Hussle

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Exploring the All Towns Market, the four quickly split upon finding differing interests.

Shin and Victor got lost in the weapon shop, whilst Ruby and Davy J. explored everything else.

Davy:(sniff, sniff)

Davy: The food smells amazing...

Ruby: This is the one place in the world where you could probably find every cuisine in the book.

Ruby: Here, try this.

Buying two cups of meat from an assortment of different animals, Ruby educates Davy on the caliber of All Town food.


Davy: Mmm~

Davy: Each meat has its own flavor... Yet they equally have this glaze and they melt in your mouth at the same rate...


Ruby: Despite being a pirate town, its standards are higher than anywhere else.

Davy: You know a lot about this place.

Ruby: My Grandfather was the head architect. So of course I have a bit of pride.

Ruby: Not to mention I used to spend a lot of my time here before...

Davy: Before what?

Ruby: Nevermind. Do you see that over there?

She points out a small stage further down the shopping district where people gathered. Finding it interesting, Davy and Ruby head towards it to discover it was an auction.

The cause of the bidding war was a Devil Fruit.

Auctioneer: Pirates and other Pirates. Today, I present to you the Woosh-Woosh Fruit!

Auctioneer: This Bana from hell shall give whoever bites into it the power to control and become air.

Auctioneer: A logia-type fruit, you best bet that the starting price is Eight billion!

Several people raise their hands, raising the price.

Davy: Would you want that fruit?

Ruby: Hell no.

Ruby: Eating one of those who means I could never swim again.

Davy: Maybe for a Merfolk, swimming is important...

Ruby: Why'd you eat a Devil Fruit?

Davy: I ate it because it forced me to live my life purely based on what I truly wanted.

Davy: Not based on what was easy but I didn't care for.

Ruby: Huh...

Shin: Ohhhhhh!!

Shin: They have Dial tech weapons!!

Victor: Uh huh...

Shin: The models are from last year... But the selection is vast.

In a weapon store, the Afro-boy and Whilstling Anarchist looked through the selection, each interested in finding a particular item.

Shin: You know... I could probably use the weapons here to upgrade your gun.

Shin: Maybe even make a better gun.

Victor: Zody is perfect as is.

Shin: Well... I can tell by looking at it, Zody there is an overheating problem if you overuse fire dials.

Shin: And is the Dial Chamber fully optimized with the most up-to-date techniques?


Shin:(rubs nose) It's a fine iron. But it could be even better...

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