The Beast Within: Act 2

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Getting punched with a lightning-charged fist, Davy is sent flying straight into two other Minks who kick him to stop his momentum.

Davy: Gya!?

On the ground, Davy slowly pushes himself to his feet.

Torah: Hmph! Puny boy is that all you have in you?

Davy:...(deep inhale)

Davy: You know what?


Davy: It isn't! Level 2!

Entering his Jack Grinder mode, Davy lifts his leg and crosses his arms against it, generating heaps of friction, so much so his leg bursts into flames along with his arms.

Davy: "Ro-Ro; Jack Smelter"!!

Stomping his burning leg, Davy launches himself into the air whilst rotating his body, transforming into a firey tornado that acts like a whip and strikes Torah, surrounding her in flames.

The tribe leader becomes impressed but not worried for her safety despite being on fire.

Only when she saw Davy flying towards him, sideways, with his legs and arms spinning so fast, they looked like wheels, did she sense danger.

Davy: "Ro-Ro; Jack Buzsaw"!!


When the flames faded away, the tribe saw their leader on her knees, with both her arms dislocated. Though Davy wasn't strong enough to cut her apart, he did do great damage.

Torah:(smiles) Good... But not enough! RAAAH-

She opened her mouth to take a bite out of Davy, but he was already prepared to attack.

Davy: "Ro-Ro: Jack Sledge Hammer"!!

Rotating both arms, Davy uppercuts Torah with a double-handed hammer fist, launching her into the air. His arms however continue to rotate, allowing the young rebel pirate to catch Torah by the feet before she flies off.

Davy: Rah!


Slamming her back down into the ground, Davy immediately swings her up, just to slam her again.




Davy: Is this enough for you!?


Tossing her to the ground, Davy makes Torah bounce before he stomps on her gut.

Davy: Well!?

He presses hard, pushing all the air out of Torah's lungs.

Davy: Are you satisfied?


Torah:(grinning) Nya-ah-ah-ah...


Before his eyes, Torah's arms fixed themselves, and her bruises vanished like winter breath.

Torah:(smirks) It's been a good many years since anyone's dared to get that rough with me.


Davy: Ugh. I'm done with this. I'll look for Tiga myself.

He charges off, following the distant roars to a well. Metal bars covered the well, like a prison cell. Looking down, Davy saw Tiga chained up at the bottom, desperately trying to break out.


Her roars were more like cries.


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