Chapter 56 - 57

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Chapter 56 No Escape

Luo Yingbai said: "Did you get a concussion?"

Wei Shou shook his head: "I didn't think it was that serious at first. He just hit him and I stopped him without breaking his forehead. But Yin Ming was unconscious and had to be sent to the hospital. Two more people were looked at. .”

Gou Songze also added: "It was like a ghost possessed me, but I didn't feel the yin energy at that time."

Luo Yingbai was silent, and quickly sorted out Yin Ming's line from beginning to end. The other party was a teacher at their school, but left school for some reason more than ten years ago, and went to the mountain to learn Fengshui from a teacher; I know this Because he came to find him on his own initiative, and his apparent purpose was to solve the Liao family's affairs.

Then the first question comes. At least in Luo Yingbai's view, Yin Ming does not seem to be such a helpful and dedicated person. He can't bring Liao Zhong back, so even if Luo Yingbai is invited, Luo When Yingbai succeeds, the Liao family is also happy, and the Liao family is grateful to Luo Yingbai. What good does this do to him?

Then he set up an formation at the exit of the Yin-Yang Realm. At first, Luo Yingbai thought he was trying to harm himself and Xia Xianning, but after thinking about it carefully, that was not the case—that formation was not a wounding formation, but a trapping formation. The formation will at most prevent them from getting out for a while. Based on Yin Ming's tone and behavior afterwards, it seemed that what he wanted to stop was not them, but something in the Yin and Yang Realm.

But Luo Yingbai can be sure that it is impossible for him to bring out any unclean things at that time, so is Yin Ming guilty, or is he deliberately pretending to be crazy?

Luo Yingbai asked: "Ah Shu, have you heard Yin Ming talking in his sleep?"

Wei Shou didn't pay attention at the time. When Luo Yingbai mentioned it, he thought about it carefully and found that there was really something: "Well, he seems to have said a few words, such as clothes and hats, don't pester them, I didn't hear them clearly."

Luo Yingbai said: "Okay, I understand."

He had a speculation that Yin Ming must have some connection with the strange things in the school building, and it was more likely that he left the school because of that incident. But after the last handling, no strange things happened in the school's teaching building for the time being, and there was no trace of it at all. All we can do is wait until Yin Ming wakes up and ask questions.

After talking about the case, the four juniors followed Luo Zhao out for dinner. Luo Ying helped Luo Zhao open the car door and half-bent, "Father, please get in the car."

Luo Zhao laughed and scolded: "You brat."

He patted Luo Yingbai's head and got into the passenger seat. Luo Yingbai said, "I'll drive and let the three of them go to the back seat."

The other three people were behind. Before they could reach the car, Luo Yingbai waited for a moment, then suddenly turned his head and glanced in one direction, then opened the door and got in the car.

Luo Zhao said: "What's wrong?"

Luo Yingbai's tone was relaxed: "It's nothing, it feels like there is a camera light flashing. When I saw it, it was gone again."

He usually talks a lot, but he is not sure that this kind of thing will never come out of Luo Yingbai's mouth. Luo Zhao knows his son very well. He glanced out of the car window and said: "You have to pay attention recently. The government is about to change again. gone."

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