Chapter 128 Finding Mother

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Xia Xianning said without hesitation: "Don't worry, I will accompany you to look for it. If the teacher is really there, I will definitely find it."

In fact, Luo Yingbai was already very disturbed at this moment, he was afraid that Xia Xianning would be worried, and the more anxious he became, the more calm he became, and said with a smile: "That's not possible, unless the gods come, otherwise the five turbid worlds can only enter and leave the world." , if both of us go in, our bodies will be roasted and eaten if we throw them here."

What he said is indeed a problem, the bodies of the two cannot be left here casually, and Luo Yingbai must go in if he wants to feel Jiang Yujia's soul, so the only way for Xia Xianning to stay outside is.

Xia Xianning frowned, hesitated rarely, Luo Yingbai said decisively: "Let's make a quick decision, I'll go inside and look around, if my mother isn't here, I'll come out quickly and find a way, if she is, no matter what the situation is, I will I will come back to discuss with you first before taking any action. We have no other option even if we delay it any longer."

Xia Xianning sighed, pressed his shoulder and kissed Luo Yingbai's forehead, followed down, and lightly rubbed against his lips, he was afraid that the more he did this, the more reluctant he would be, so he let him go quickly .

He hesitated for a while, and didn't say anything, just said: "Go, I'll wait for you here."

Luo Yingbai hummed: "Remember your affection, remember your love, remember that you are waiting for me every day...I don't know how to pick the wild flowers on the roadside~"

Xia Xianning: "..."

His bad words had just taken shape in his mind when the person in front of him turned around and fell down softly. Xia Xianning hurriedly took a step forward and took Luo Yingbai into his arms. When he looked up, a blurred figure appeared not far in front of him. He waved at him gracefully, and he had already entered the chaotic and evil world.

Xia Xianning pointed at Luo Yingbai's eyebrows, and a moment later, a red mark like a peach petal appeared on his hand, faintly corresponding to Luo Yingbai's left soul body, so as not to disconnect the body and soul, causing trouble .

He hugged Luo Yingbai and sat cross-legged, gently caressed her face with his fingers, kissed the red mark, and waited for him to come out.

Luo Yingbai walked in the boundless gray world, surrounded by countless naked undead, the wind continued, and countless sand and stones were rolled up, hitting the undead, blood and flesh flew all over the place, howling, and a few of them survived. He was not injured by sand and gravel, but he was also tossed and tossed by the wind—this is a kind person who had committed no crimes during his lifetime, but was accidentally involved in the evil world due to an accident during his reincarnation, and could not find a way out.

As the wind whistled and the sand danced, Luo Yingbai moved forward calmly, not even the corners of his clothes stained with dust. But where he stepped, countless lights and shadows drifted, creating a bright and bright path in this gray world. Only those who have good intentions and dare not give in can see the road.

The souls who had lost their way finally saw the hope of leaving this place, with expressions of surprise on their faces, and they all knelt down to express their thanks. However, Luo Yingbai neither returned the greeting nor spoke, and walked straight forward and walked away.

He walked forward for a while, and the feeling of soul connection between mother and child became stronger, Luo Yingbai frowned slightly, and suddenly saw several people standing in front of him.

These people...or should be said to be more accurate as evil spirits, their appearance is no different from ordinary people, except that they are all naked from the waist up, with strong bodies, standing up to two meters high, and they have a bloody and murderous aura. Standing straight in front of people, Luo Yingbai was already tall, but he looked like a child standing in front of these strong men.

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