Hungarian horntail

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Embarassing absolutly embarassing , look at me when im talking to you. How does hé even come up with this shit. My neck still sore from the grip his hand had on it.
" everything allright ?" Gemma asks as i walk past the cafe.
" im fine thank you Gemma."
"Those deatheaters are real assholes , im ashamed to be one off them" i stop walking and turn towards Gemma. "just because you're a pureblood doesnt mean you're one of them Gemma , dont worry about it no one sees u that way" she smiles
" thanks Olivander, i hope you're not in to much trouble?" I smile back " no im fine , i really need to go im late allready"

The door swings open , a family of four walks in the shop , purebloods for sure. "My twins need a wand , they start school soon , give me the most expencive wands you own" thats not how it works but why would i care " of course sir" i walk towards the back and pick out the most expencive wands we own. "Here you are sir , maybe theres something you like" i give him a fake smile. "Come take a look kids, wich one do you like ?"
" I want that one " the boy screams "no i want that one" the other boy walks towards the counter and picks up the wand. Before i could even say something the boy flies across the room and lands flat on his face.

"Wel i think we need to look further" the mother seems sweet , not as snobby as the rest off her family
"Maybe this one will work" i hand the boy a wand and give him a fake smile. " i dont like that one dad its boring" im trying really hard not to roll my eyes , most eleven year olds are ecxited to even get a wand they dont even notice how they look. They just enjoy the experience. "Just try it Jullius" the mother gives the boy the wand , the boy looks at the wand and the tip turns bright white "great i get the ugly one" he said. Its a really good wand , flexible chestnut and unicorn hair.
" well thats just how it works Jullius the wand picks its owner" the mother takes the wand from his hand and places it on the counter. "This one for him please.." she smiles. " we found one for Cyril" the father walks towards the counter and places it on it. "How do you even know it is good for him honey?" The man looks at her "it turned white i saw it now stop complaining could you?" Hé gives me the galleons hé owns me.

They walk towards the door "it didnt turn white just admit it honey"
"It did i told you now stop complaining women" they bicker when they leave the store. I coudnt hold my laugh any longer. "They always bicker like that" Thomas walks out from the back. "How did you do that?" I look at him
"magic" hé says with a grin on his face. "Come follow me" hé walks to the front of the store and turns the sign "are you deaf ? Follow me" i pick up my bag and start following him.

"Where are we going sir ?" We are walking for 20 minutes now. "You will see" hé starts to walk even faster. When we arive at the beginning of the forest hé takes off his mask , his hair wet from sweat laying flat on his forehead. He lifts up his hand and goes through his hair. How can someone that is so evil look this good i think to myself. "Thanks olivander" hé starts walking again. Stupid toughts i really need to work on letting him in. "No dont , i like the compliments , follow me" i start following him again.

"You need to do something for me" i look at Thomas "yes sir" hé holds his finger against his lips to sign me to stay quiet. He pulls away a branch , as i look in front of me i see a grown hungarian horntaile. I turn my head to look at Thomas with wide eyes. He walks towards the dragon and starts talking to him hé pulls a dead rabbit out of his pocket. Who walks around with a dead rabbit inside his pockets , i know hé was weird but this is weird even for him. "Stop thinking so much, and come here" i take a few steps forward when the dragon looks at me "you can at least kill me quicker then this" i say to Thomas. "What is your obsession with me killing you ? Do you have a kink or something" hé laughs. "You need to feed it for me the next 2 days , i have a really important mission and i cant come back to feed him , come here and pet him" ofcourse i will just pet an adult hongarian horntail nothing weird about this. I walk towards the animal and start petting its nose. "Hé likes you , at least something likes you" Thomas looks at me. "Thanks" i role my eyes at him. "Atitude olivander, i will make sure my owl drops off meat for him , feed him after work i will be back in 2 days" i look at the dragon in front of me. "Yes sir" hé looks at me. "Come i will walk you home , maybe if you're nice to him hé will let you ride him after those days" we will see about that i think to myself ..... myself and Thomas.

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