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I didnt sleep much and by the look on Remus his face he kept his promise and didnt sleep at all. "I dont want to leave you tonight" i dont want to be alone either but his father promised to sleep in the room with me. "More eggs Olivander?" Food fly's from his mouth on my plate and i cant help showing my disgust on my face , Remus laughs when he sees it. "No thank you Lupin" i look up at the man who quickly eats the eggs out of the pan while walking towards the kitchen. "Cant you stay" i poud my lip at Remus. "I like you more alive sweetheart" hé laughs at me. "Two days then i will be back" hé smiles at me but i can see hé is scared to leave me. "Olivander , Help is here" Lupin walks in with a crazy looking woman , her hair is wild and she looks like she has just seen a ghost. "This is Sybill" i stand up and walk towards the women "hello miss , thank you for your time" she looks at me straight in my eyes , it feels like she's looking right through me. "This is Olivander , she needs your help ..... what we talked about .... you know" she keeps staring at me and i look back at Remus who is holding in a laugh because of my wide eyes. I look back to see Sybill throwing stuff from her bag. "Hold on Sybill i will bring you to your room" Lupin makes his way towards her and helps her to put her stuff back in the tiny bag she brought with her and leads her by holding her back. Remus walks up behind me and hugs me while laying his head down on my shoulder. "Believe it or not but she is the best person to help you" hé kisses my cheeck and makes his way infront of me.

"I will be back in two days , your in good hands." Hé hugs and kisses me goodbye. "Olivander , she is ready for you if you are?" I nod my head and follow Lupin up the stairs untill we reach the door of Sybill's room. "You can trust her , i know she looks crazy.... she also is but you can trust her" i smile at his comment and hé pets my shoulder before walking away. I slowly open the door of the room and walk in , i dont know how she did it but the whole room is full of glassballs , potions , books and plants. "Oh yes yes , please come sit down" she points towards a chair in the middle of the room. I sit down and she starts to walk around me mumbling some words in a language i dont understand. "Your in a bit of trouble arent you" her hands wave above my head and her glasses are on the tip off her nose. "Not a little bit" i try to joke but she doesnt laugh. She grabs a chair and sits down infront of me. "Mmmmm mmmmm yes yes , well , maybe not , wel yes , thats best" i raise my eyebrow looking at the women infront of me who has a full conversation with herself. "Close your eyes" i close my eyes "Think off a door and focus on that door" i picture a big brown wooden door infront off me. "That door is the door to Thomas his toughts" i peek one eye open to look at the woman who's face is just an inch away from mine. "Close your eyes dear now we need to start again"

"Do you see the door again" i nod my head. "Good open it and walk though it , but not to fast" a few seconds go by "you see nothing am i right?" I nod my head again. "Yes yes i can tell , you dont believe in it" she runs around the room , she is right i dont. "Here eat this it will relax you" she hands me a little brown sweet "its organic , just some magical plants" it tastes nothing like the food Lupin makes i try my best to chew it but i decide to just swallow it whole. She sits down infront of me again. "Now we wait , you have to believe in yourself. You can do this there is a connection so it is posible!" I feel my whole body relax and i let my arms hang next to me. "Good now try it on me , you can look at me if that helps" well i doubt that i think to myself. I close my eyes and picture the door again , the door that leads to the toughts of the woman in front of me. I walk towards it and slowly open the door , the room behind it is all white i make my way in the room and look around. At the very end off the room i see a little girl waving at me , i wave back and turn my head to the left to see Sybill standing there facing someone who looks like Thomas but it isnt him. "I cant wait till i kill you Sybill , the day will come trust me" the man who looks like Thomas spits at her. All of a sudden the room turns black and a wind pushes me out the door before it closes. "Open your eyes Olivander" i open my eyes to look at Sybill who is smilling. "A little weed always helps" i raise my eyebrow "some muggle plants" she quickly says. "I didnt know they had magic plants , who was the man in front of you?" She looks around the room as if the man can hear her. "Lord voldemort when hé was younger , im hiding from him just like you're hiding from his son....."

Black pearl | Thomas Riddle | Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now