Best soldier

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The deatheaters walk out of the bedroom with Steffie's body over one of the deatheaters his shoulder. "Say goodbye to your friend Olivander , cant wait till its you in this position" the other one laughs. I recognize Corvus voice from under the mask. "And Elly said hi , oh no wait she cant because of you" Hé walks towards me and puts his mask against my face. "Your lucky Thomas likes you because one day hé isnt there to protect you .... and then i will get my revenge" spit flys through the holes of his mask. Why does he even work for Thomas while they did this to his wife i think by myself. "Her voice was annoying but listen to her crying all day is even worse , i will come for you Olivander mark my words" Malfoy just laughs at him and he turns around "Come on Corvus , she's getting heavy , Thomas is waiting outside" Malfoys voice sounds trough his mask. His two guarddogs are with him again. Why does Malfoy laugh about this. I feel sorry for Elly , she has been tortured and her husbands friends just laugh about it. They walk out and Corvus slams the door.

I hear them argue while they walk away. I look over at the sidetable that stands next to the chair and see the picture off my father. He smiles at me just like hé did when hé was still alive , i smile back with tears in my eyes. One day i will see him again. I stand up and walk around the cabin. I cant help it but im curious if the door is really locked i didnt hear a spell. While i grab the knob of the door its turns bright red and burns my hand. "Shit" i walk around with my hand between my legs. "Merlins beard " i walk towards the kitchen to put my hand in cold water. I try to open the tap but there's no water coming out , i look around and open the fridge... empty. I walk towards the bathroom in the hope the tap works there but i allready know the answer. It doesnt , Thomas meant it this time. I walk towards the bed and lay down while staring at the cealing.

My hand trobs and burns more every second. My toughts are with Steffie who didnt deserve this , Gemma who is probably in huge trouble , Elly who's life must be hell right now and my dad who's finally with my mother again but im alone now, all alone in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. The only person i have left is Thomas, the son of Lord Voldemort who is furious with me and doesnt care about me in the slightest hé just needs me for his plans to take over the villages that are left , To create their perfect wizarding world. Why coudnt hé just kill me.... I try to keep my eyes open but i feel myself falling a sleep. I try to fight it but my body does not cooperate. I hear the door and try to stay awake but i cant , its like i get pulled back into my sleep. "Sleep tight Olivander" are the last words i hear before fully closing my eyes.

What did you do , if she's dead where in big trouble you stupid idiot "Malfoys voice drums in my head. "She isnt dead , i wish she was" Corvus laughs. "I know you do but i dont want to be killed by my boss if you dont mind" Malfoy answers. "Oh come on its not like she's special" Corvus laughs. "Really ? Says the one who was obsessed with her for four years" Malfoy scoffs back at him. "Why do you keep bringing that up , i have Elly" Corvus says
"Wel its not like you can have a nice conversation with her can you?" I hear allot of noise after that. "Stop it you idiots , what did you do with her ?" Thomas voice sounds from further away. "I just put a sleeping spell on her sir , but she's not waking up" Corvus says carefully. "Ooh but she is awake , i can hear her toughts loud and clear" Thomas starts to laugh , the other two laugh nervously. His footsteps come closer and i can feel his breath in my neck. "Rise and shine princess " hé whispers in my ear. I cant open my eyes , what if they took them out. I start to panic , i try to open my eyes with my hands but i stil cant see. "Calm down Olivander it takes some time for it to work out , your vision wil be back in no time" Thomas says when hé sees me panic.

"You two idiots can go now , good job bringing her here and practice your spells Corvus i expected better from you" Thomas says. "Yes Lord" the two say in unison. My vision slowly comes back but it is still blury. I see Thomas infront of me looking at me with his hands in his pocket. "Did you have a nice sleep?" Hé asks while laughing. "answer Olivander" i try to focus my eyes but they still let me down. "Really Olivander ? You werent even there for a full day" Hé looks at my hand. "Im sorry sir" hé clears his troath. "Why do you want to get away from me so bad?" Hé kneels down and i can see his face blury infront of me "i dont sir , i even tought about going back knowing the consequences. I hate to admit it but i missed you" I look down. "Prove it" hé says. "What do you mean sir?" "Give me your hand" Thomas speaks i slowly raise up my hand and hé takes it in his own. I feel a sharp pain and a warm subtance flows over my hand. "Promise that you never leave me again" hé puts his hand against mine. A blood pact .... "Promise me"hé yells , my vision is back far enough to look at his face. "Why?" I ask him.

"I cant lose you again , promise me please" Did Thomas just say please? I feel a lump starting to form in my troath. "I dont understand why you would do this , you can hear my toughts you know how i secretly feel about you" His eyes are focused on our hands. "I never want to experience fear again , just promise Olivander , promise me you will never leave me again" Hé sounds nothing like the Thomas i know. "I promise to never leave you again" i look at our hands. "I promise to protect you and never let anyone hurt you whatever it takes , i will never leave you alone" Thomas speaks. Two drops of blood rise up from both of our hands and mingle togheter and then a phial takes shape and Thomas takes it in his hand. "Tell nobody about this , never" i nod my head and look around the room now my vision is back.
"Are we home again?" Thomas looks at me "yes you're home , Malfoy and Corvus think that you're going somewhere else so we need to be carefull. And you still need to do your job. Im taking you with me tommorow i didnt want to but we have no choice now. Revus ?" Thomas yells. "Yes my Lord , oooooh your back its so nice to see you again" Revus says.

"Can you look at her hand Revus , i will be back." Thomas says and dissapears infront of us. "Let Revus look miss , what did you do" hé looks at me over his little glasses. No ugly girl ? No complains about my smell? He missed me allot i thinks to myself. "I burned myself" leaving out the part of how it happend. "I will be right back" hé starts running trough the mansion again. I laugh at the side of Revus running with his little legs. Ive missed him , eventough hé is really mean hé has a good heart .... a bit like Thomas but much shorter. He walks in with his suitcase and opens it. "Wel this could work" hé takes one of the bottles out and pours it over my hand. My hand starts to burn all over again. "I dont think this helps Revus" my whole arm begins to burn , it spreads towards all of my limbs. "Revus what is happening?" Revus looks at me with a smile and his face starts to change , hé grows and grows untill hé reaches a normal lenght and his face turns into that off Corvus. "Well hello there Olivander , how do you feel now ? Mmm let me guess , not so good." Hé starts to laugh. "Please Corvus make it stop" it feels like my whole body is on fire.

"Now you know how i felt when Thomas beat me up for you , now you know how Elly felt when Thomas cut her tongue out infront of me. All because off you! " Hé looks at me with the most nasty smile i have ever seen. "Please Corvus make it stop , i had nothing to do with it , i didnt even wanted for al off that to happen , i will do anything please make it stop" hé laughs straight in my face. He reaches down towards the suitcase and takes out another bottle "this is so much fun , dont we have fun togheter Olivander?" Hé takes the lid of the bottle and i close my eyes waiting for the potion to hit me. The bruning sensation suddenly stops and when i open my eyes Corvus lays on the ground with blood coming from his mouth and bloodshot red eyes. I turn my head towards the door to see Revus standing there with Thomas who has his wand out. "What a shame hé was a good soldier" Thomas sighs and turns his head towards Revus. "Help miss Olivander please , this time your really getting help" Revus walks towards me. "Im sorry ugly girl , hé was to strong for me.... your smell hasnt change" hé starts to pull out bottles from the suitcase Corvus stole from him. "There is the real Revus again" i laugh at him. He snips his fingers and the body of Corvus turns into a million black pieces hé blows them into the air and then they dissapear. "nasty potion , ugly girl really hurt. Revus missed ugly girl but she still smells" Hé puts drops of different bottles onto my hand and body , i feel my muscles relax and the burning sensation in my hand dissapears. "Thomas kept talking about you when you were gone ugly girl , i smelled you all the way to the cafe" so thats how Thomas knew to search the cafe. "Thats enough Revus stop talking" Revus looks at me and rolls his eyes. "She is done my Lord" hé bows his head and walks out.

Thomas walks towards the bed and lays down next to me , hé pulls me closer to him and holds me in his arms. "I needed to kill him" Thomas says , hé knows how i feel about people getting murdered and especialy by him. but not this time , Corvus deserved it. I take his face in my hand and turn it towards me "thank you" i press my lips against his. When i break the kiss i look at Thomas , this has to be to good to be true and it probably is. "Stop thinking and rest now , i cant cancel tommorow and i need to figure out what to say about Corvus being gone." Hé kisses my forehead and lays his head against mine.
"How did you know that Corvus was here" hé starts to laugh. "Well i told you before he isnt the brightest. I had a meeting with him and when i appeard Revus was sitting tied up in a chair infront of me" poor Revus i think to myself. "Im sorry you lost one off your best soldiers because off me" hé looks at me. "Dont think about it Olivander , i would kill anyone for you and now stop talking please" i smile and lay my head down again. "Go to sleep now , tommorow i will bring you with us to the villages"

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