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We appear in the village i was in yesterday with Malfoy and Black. A deatheater walks towards us from the other side off the street. "Aah thank you for joining us Malfoy" Thomas taps Malfoy on his shoulder. Malfoy looks at me with wide eyes confused by Thomas being friendly all of a sudden. "So Olivander, walk us towards the house you commited your first murder in" i look around the street , i remember them pulling her outside but i cant remember walking towards the house. "I dont know sir" Thomas turns his head towards Malfoy and then back at me. "Mmm so you dont find it strange that you cant remember the route to the house you was in yesterday and apperntly commited your fist murder in miss Olivander? Because i can still remember mine." Hé looks at Malfoy again "i can remember mine to sir" Thomas roles his eyes. "Let me help you both , follow me" hé walks towards a wooden cart and nods his head at the deatheater standing next to it. Malfoy and i both follow him. "Come closer" hé lifts a blanket and underneath is a body of a death women , the women from my memorie. "So you killed this women?" I look at Malfoy "dont look at him look at me" i turn my head back and look at Thomas. "Yes Sir" i answer him. He walks away and Malfoy and i stand there looking at him angry stomping his way to the first house infront off him.

He knocks on the door and a man answers the door. "You're coming with me" Thomas says and takes the man by his hair and walks him back on the street to stop infront of us. "Kill him , here is a wand kill him Olivander" i look at the wand in my hand and then at the man standing in front of me now crying. I Iift my wand and freeze in that position while i look at Thomas. "I cant " i slowly lower my arm. "KIL HIMMM" Thomas screams all of a sudden. "Calm down Thomas" Malfoy walks towards Thomas. "Malfoy if you dont shut your mouth right this second i will kill you without a wand" Malfoy stops and looks at me. "I cant Thomas im sorry i just cant" hé lets go off the man who runs back inside the house and locks the door. "So do you really think you killed a women yesterday in her own home? Dont act like a fool Olivander. I tought you would be smarter then this and you Malfoy" Hé turn to looks at Malfoy "you are even more stupid then her!" We both stand there looking at our feet.

"Its strange to me how all three of you have diffrent memories of yesterday.... i know you two are obliviated thats obvious, but why?" Obliviated , that didnt even cross my mind. "Blacks memories are like a stone wall so i didnt came far with him" I look at Malfoy whos eyes look like hé's about to cry. "You two idiots cant remember obviously , and Black is not going to tell , so now i have a problem..... if i find out you two had something to do with it your in bigger trouble then your thinking of right now , and please Malfoy stop thinking about me torturing you because im almost scared it is a kink of yours" Im trying to hold in my laughter because this is clearly not a situation to laugh about. "Yes sir" Malfoy says with his head down. "THEN STOP THINKING ABOUT IT , YOUR STILL DOING IT" At that moment i lose my control and a smal laugh bursts trough my lips. Thomas stroms towards me and puts his index finger against my mask. "Because im fucking you doesnt mean you can run around and do stupid shit " hé whispers , i see how serious hé is and quickly fix my posture "im sorry sir" he puts his hand against his mask and walks around. "Call Black here Malfoy" i start to sweat. Malfoy rolls up his sleeve and puts his wand against his deatheater tattoo while closing his eyes. A few seconds later Black is standing infront of us. "Hello Black , can you lead us towards the house the women was killed in yesterday" Black looks at me before answering Thomas. "Of course Lord follow me" we all follow Black but Thomas walks right next to him. Black comes to a hold infront of a house that does look farmiliar i can remember Malfoy and Black pulling the women outside. "Thank you Black walk inside please" we all walk inside and Thomas follows last. He walks past us and into the livingroom while we all follow him. "So Olivander , here you killed the innocent mother" i look around the room , i see the pictures hanging on the wall , i see a little boy in them who i didnt saw yesterday. I look at the big closet in the middle of the room. It looks so familiar but i dont know why. "I think so sir " Thomas walks around the room. "So you think you killed a women in here yesterday , sounds strange to me ? You did or you didnt its that simple Olivander , Malfoy did Olivander kill a women in here yesterday ?" Malfoy looks around the room "i dont know for sure sir" Thomas walks towards Black. "Black same question for you " Black looks at me and then at the closet. "Yes she did sir" Thomas starts to laugh. "So Black you are the only one who is sure , these two idiots are Obviously obliviated and i think it was you" Now Black starts to laugh. "Why would i obliviate them?" Hé says confident. "You tell me Black? You wont let me in your toughts" Black looks at me again.
"Well Lord you cant keep it at one tought"

I see in the way Thomas walks around the livingroom hé's angry. "Good one Black , i gave all three of you the possibility to be honest , but you're all acting stupid.... maybe some of you really are" Hé looks towards Malfoy who looks at me and roles his eyes. "Next question , where is the body of the child?" Hé keeps bringing up the child , there wasnt a child. " there wasnt a child sir" Mafloy says before i can. "Mmmm" Thomas looks at the pictures on the wall. "Black can you confirm this?" Hé nods his head. "Then why did you obliviate them?" Black says nothing "WHY . DID . YOU . OBLIVIATE. THEM." My heart starts to pound out of my chest. "Because i made a mistake sir" Black looks past Thomas at the closet. "Well dont leave us hanging , explain yourself" Black clears his troath "someone got away.....the little boy sir" Thomas looks around at all three of us. "HOW CAN A 5 YEAR OLD GET AWAY?" I still cant remember anything and Malfoy cant either by the way hé squeezes his eyes. "The mother made a porky sir it was the closet" Thomas eyes look like hé is going to explode." and you tought i just obliviate them and then everything will be fine? Do you think im stupid Black?"
"No i dont think that you're stupid sir" Thomas pulls the wand out of my hands that im still holding and holds it up "crucio" Black falls to the ground and rolls around. I close my eyes waiting for it to be over. "You're going to look for the boy and dont come back until you found him" Black stops rolling around. Thomas steps over him "you two follow me" Malfoy makes his way over Black to follow Thomas, i look at Black laying on the ground , something doesnt feel right , I dont know what. Black gives me a wink before i step over him wich only makes my feeling stronger. Did i do something with him ? No thats not posible.... did i let the boy go .... maybe i did and hé is covering for me. "Olivander" Thomas yells from the hallway. I quickly walk towards them and follow them outside.

"Malfoy finish those two houses and dont cause any more problems" Malfoy nods his head and walks across the street.
"Why do you always cause problems Olivander? And i have a feeling you have something to do with the boy getting away. I woudnt even be suprised if the whole obliviation idea comes from you... and dont give me the whole : i dont know speech. Because i know you dont " then why bring it up i think to myself before quickly thinking about something else. "Olivander , i dont think you understand what im doing for you. Im serious when i tell you this was the last time. " i nod my head and look up at him. "Stop with those eyes Olivander i know what your doing and it almost worked , If Black doesnt find the child this week your in trouble Olivander because i know hé doesnt want to see you like that" My eyes widen "Do you really think i care about a child thats running away? Blacks toughts maybe arent easy to read but im not stupid Olivander. You understand i need to use this to my advantage" hé starts to laugh.

Malfoy walks back towards us , "its done sir" Thomas looks at Malfoy "see thats how quick it can be done , and you two think i believed you yesterday?" Malfoy looks at me. "No sir" we both say. "Malfoy find Black and tell him that he has a week and if hé doesnt find the boy hé and Olivander here will be in trouble" hé looks at me. "Yes Lord" Malfoy says and dissapears. Thomas turns his attention to me again. "Were going home" hé takes my hand and makes us appear in his mansion. "Go to your room" Thomas orders while Mary walks in to the hallway. "I will walk you to your room" she gives me a sweet smile and takes my hand. When we are halfway up the stairs she turns around to look if Thomas is still watching us. "How is reg... Black doing?" I look at her with confusion in my eyes. "Hé is alive if that is what you're asking me" she takes a deep breath. "Good good" she walks me inside the room and closes the door. "Hé is my son Olivander" i turn my head around quicker then i have ever done and look at her. "Does Thomas know?" Mary nods her head. "When my husband died i needed money to take care off Reggie and his brother. Tom , I mean Lord Voldemort offert me a job , to be his maid. I took the job and when Thomas needed one i offert myself so his father send me here. Thats why im still alive after telling you about your father and why reggie is still alive.... he's to kind to be one off them" she smiles again. Should i tell her hé's in trouble? Maybe its better if she doesnt know....
"Olivander downstairs NOW" i look at Mary and walk towards the stairs. "Look Olivander your friend joined us ! Good as new , i decided to give her a new tongue and she told me some things about you! Why didnt you tell me about Black? I would love to hear about your little romance. Mary bring Elly to her room we cant leave a pregnant women alone can we. We need to take good care of her Olivander. i have never seen such a beautifull pregnant women." Elly follows Mary up the stairs with a smile on her face. I look at Thomas who winks at me and walks away. Is this another punishment ? What is hé doing? One moment hé makes me his horcrux and then hé acts like hé doesnt care about me....

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