Soon to be wife

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I dont recognise myself anymore.... kissing Reggie , killing Elly and having sex with Thomas afterwords like nothing happend. Maybe hé is rubbing off on me.... i love Thomas but i felt comfortable with Reggie like i never felt with Thomas. With thomas its passion , tension , and mysteries while with Reggie its pure and i feel loved. I feel bad towards Reggie , hé doesnt even know i had sex with Thomas right after and i enjoyed it. Im scared for the little boy who is comming here tommorow , and scared for what Thomas is going to do to him. I look at Thomas who is snoring next to me , hé looks beatifull. Im going to tell Reggie it was a mistake and i never should have done it , hé will understand.

I wake up before Thomas , i look at him. If hé knew what i did hé would never look at me again. "Stop staring at me Olivander" hé still has his eyes closed. "Reading my toughts again Sir?" I ask him scared hé heard what i just tought about. "No but i can feel it" hé opens his eyes. He looks at the clock and quickly gets up. "Why didnt you wake me up?" I look at the clock to see hé slept an hour longer then hé usually would. "Im sorry Sir" hé roles his eyes. "To busy staring at me" hé smiles. I give him a weak smile back. "Come on , Black will be here any moment" i get up and put some clothes on as slow as posible. "I will see u downstairs" Thomas says who is allready fully dressed and closes the door. I dont want to see Reggie right now and i dont want to see a little boy getting murderd either. I take a deep breath and walk towards the door. "Did you tell him?" I turn around to see Black standing against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Ofcourse not , and you really need to be carefull because you will get caught" i say trough gritted teeth. "Makes it even more fun" hé laughs and pushes himself of the wall. He walks towards me and puts my hair behind my ear. "Reggie yesterday was a mistake im sorry, i shoudnt have done it" hé looks at me up and down while his thumb is on my cheeck. "Did you enjoy it?" Hé looks at me. "What do you mean?" I ask him knowing what hé means. "Did you enjoy kissing me again?" Hé lets his hand down and grabs mine. "I did , but im with Thomas now. Its not fair to you and i cant believe im saying this but Thomas doesnt deserve this either" Reggie starts to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" I raise my eyebrow. "You know that Thomas needs to marry a pureblood right ? And his father allready picked one out for him.... Thomas knows. He talked to her and has seen her multiple times allready" i look at Reggie , i cant believe what he's telling me right now.

"Olivander what is taking you so long?" I hear Thomas standing in the doorframe. I look infront off me to see Reggie is gone. I slowly turn around to look at him. I cant ask him about it because hé will know im talking to someone within his circle. "Sorry" i say while giving Thomas a fake smile. I slowly walk towards him and hé gives me a kiss. "You look good today" hé turns around and walks towards the stairs. I look good today? I look misarble and i feel like it to. Reggie is waiting in the hallway with a little boy holding his hand. The boy looks scared and looks at Reggie like hé hopes hé will protect him. I know hé cant.... no one can protect you from Thomas or his father. "Black , good to see you" Thomas says while looking at the boy "follow me please , Olivander will you join us?". Thomas walks towards his office with Black and the boy following him. I try to make eye contact with Reggie but hé doesnt look at me. I follow the three off them into the office and sit down on a chair in the corner. The boy looks at me and smiles. I feel like i regocnize him but i dont know from where. I give him a smile back. "What are we going to do with you ?" Thomas says while looking at the boy. "What is your name and bloodstatus little boy?" The boy looks at Reggie. "His name is Casper sir and his bloodstatus is unknown since his mother was a halfblood and his father is killed 2 years ago. I coudnt find anything in the house wich could tell me his status."
"Mmmm" Thomas says while looking at the boy. "Today is your lucky day Casper"

hé gives the little boy a creepy smile my stomach turns just looking at him. "We dont know for sure so we cant kill you but what can we do with you?" Hé walks around the office. "Reggie lied to me .... so maybe i need to teach him a lesson and do it anyway" i look up at Thomas. "Please dont sir" hé looks at me and then at Black. "Olivander dont get emotional again , did you know she killed somebody yesterday Black? For real this time" hé starts to laugh. "I didnt sir " Black says while looking at me. I keep my head down. "Im proud of you Olivander , you know that right " i nod my head while looking at my feet. "So you can decide" i look up to see Thomas staring at me like he's trying to read my mind again. He looks mad so it probably doesnt work since im only thinking off the boy right now. "Hé can live sir" Thomas starts to laugh. "Such a forgiving person , and what about Black? He needs some punishment. I want you to do it" hé walks towards the door "Mary?" Hé yells trough the hallway. "Yes sir" Mary comes running from the kitchen. "Take this little boy to the orphanage , tell them i said hé needs to stay alive" Mary holds out her arm for the little boy who looks at Black who nods at him. Mary takes the boy with her and holds on to him tight. "So Olivander you tought about a punishment?" I didnt ... "crucio?" I ask him carefully. "No no Olivander come on let your fantasy run wild" hé smirks at me. He does this because of what Elly told him. This isnt only Blacks punishment , its mine to. "I really dont know sir" i say while looking at Black who looks infront of him.

"Mmm maybe you can kill him since you did so good yesterday" my eyes widen and Black raises his eyebrow but still looks infront of him. There is no right answer , if i say no hé gets angry at me and when i say yes i need to kill Reggie. "But i need him since Corvus is dead , i hoped for something better but the curcio curse will do for now. Maybe i can come up with something better this week" hé gives me a wand and signs me to stand up. I look at Black who still doesnt look at me. I lift my wand while Thomas smirks at me "crucio" i say while closing my eyes. Black screams in pain while Thomas walks towards me. "Look at your friend Olivander" i open my eyes and look at Reggie on the ground. It feels like forever before Thomas tells me to stop. Black lays still on the ground and doesnt move. "Take care of him , he will love you for it. I will be back tonight i have something to do" hé walks out and slams the door behind him. He did it again , hé made me feel special yesterday and now hé makes me feel worthless again. I kneel down next to Reggie. Thomas is probably going to see his soon to be wife. I wipe the hairs out of Reggie's face. His face is as white as a ghost and dark circles formed around his eyes. I lay down next to him..... everything is a mess.

"Dont feel guilty" hé says quiet. I look at him with tears in my eyes. Again hé is worried about my feelings. I smile at him trough my tears and put his arm around me. "I dont know what to do Reggie" i sigh "I fell in love with Thomas, some days hé is great and other days hé is mean and cold... maybe the days hé sees his soon to be wife" Reggie looks at me "Hé made me his horcrux did you know that?" Reggie's eyes widen while i scoff and role my eyes because of the tought about the horcrux "Oh and we made a bloodpact .... " im trapped. But hé promised hé woudnt leave me either ? He didnt hurt me anymore and hé protected me in his own crazy way with killing Corvus. But hé is going to leave me when hé gets married. "Hé keeps you here with him even when hé his married Olivander , so hé keeps his promise. You never talked about the way you would spent your time with him. He made you his horcrux?" I look at Reggie "Hé did... but it doesnt work like a normal one because hé is Voldemorts horcrux" i look up at the ceiling. I know i shoudnt be telling this. "Mmm" is the only thing Reggie says.
"What happend" Mary looks at us. "Crucio" Reggie says.

"Merlin my dear , come help me carry him to the couch" Mary looks at me and takes one of Reggie's arms i get up and take the other one over my schoulder. "Try to walk dear" Mary says while we try to carry him to the livingroom. We lay him down and both stand there looking at him. He looks bad , hé allready took one curse yesterday. I will make him some tea and healing potion. Mary sprints towards the kitchen , i sit down on the couch next to Reggie's legs. "Mother and her tea" hé jokes. I smile at him. "There is a group of people , also pureblood who dont agree with voldemorts rules. They are forming a group to try and take him down"
Well they are crazy and soon dead.. i think to myself. "Im helping them" i look at Reggie with wide eyes. "But now i know about the horcruxes hé made its going to be allot harder" i told him about it , i keep doing this to myself. "Thomas has to be killed for voldemort to die" hé looks at me like he's asking me if im allright with it. "I cant let you kill him" hé looks away. "I understand ...."
"Here some tea and some potion drink this" Mary puts the tray down and tries to help Reggie to drink the potion. Should i tell Thomas about the group off people who are trying to kill his father and now him to? I wonder who they are.... you need to be brave and crazy to go against Voldemort. He is the strongest wizard alive at this moment and has allot of followers most off them happy with the state off the wizarding world at this moment. They will do everything to keep it this way. Revus is one off them ... where is Revus? I havent seen him the last few days.
"Mary where is Revus?" She looks at me "doing something for Thomas i dont know what" she continues with what she's doing.

Maybe if i kill Reggie hé wont kill Thomas. I cant kill him even if i wanted to , hé means to much to me and would never hurt me. I wonder where Thomas is right now maybe hé is with Revus. Why would hé send Revus to do something for him the man is as little as a child..... or with his new wife ofcourse. Mary walks back towards the kitchen. "Can you tell me more about this group of people?" I ask Reggie. "Not right now , but i will tell you everything you want to know when you finally see who Thomas really is" Mary walks back in and puts a blanket over Reggie. "Hé needs to rest " she smiles at me but i know she means i need to go. "Of course " i smile at them and walk towards the door. Who hé really is?

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