Voldemorts speech

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He was right ... what was i thinking? I wasnt even thinking. Trying to kiss Thomas Riddle , i cant even say it out loud. If someone told me that i would try to kiss Thomas one day , i would have laughed right in their face. There is something about him that i just cant seem to resist.. maybe because it is wrong , maybe because his face is perfect , with his sharp jawline , maybe because i like the way hé towers over me when hé stands in front of me. maybe hé does feel the same. But do i feel the same , i dont like his character he's mean , cruel and powerful ...... powerful pffff.

"Honey , where are you with your toughts?" My father looks at me concernt. "Work" i smile up at him. "Lord Voldemort is giving a speech at the colosseum tonight everyone needs to be there."

His speeches never mean anything good. It means there are new rules , people that will be executed in front off everyone and more power for the purebloods.

We arrive at the colosseum , every blood status has his own stand. Me and my father take a seat in the middle of the stand. I look over at the stand where the purebloods are seated trying to find Elly. When my eyes meet hers she gives me a weak smile. I look down to see she's rubbing her belly. I look back in to her eyes with shock , shes pregnant ! She turns her head. Now she's never going to get rid of Corvus i think to myself.

The whole pureblood stand starts cheering when voldemort enters the arena. The other stands clap their hands , scared for any consequences. Behind him his army off deatheaters , i look at the deatheaters trying to figure out wich one is Thomas. They all look the same from this distant. Voldemort puts his wand against his throat.
"Followers and subjects,
I gathered you here tonight to make you all aware about the new rules. Thomas my dear child come here " hé turns around , the deatheaters step a side to make room for Thomas to walk through them. " Thomas will be my eyes and ears on the streets and his orders need to be followed like my own." The pureblood stand starts cheering again."He will be in charge over diagon alley ! every store and cafe is now owned by me or him. Sundays are over .... No more free time for halfbloods , no more halfblood women at work , they are all needed in the new hospital that is built. While our army takes over the last villages that havent fully commited themself to me" the purebloods stand screaming and yelling from happines. " the females that stay behind can help the purebloods in their homes to make sure every order they have will be fulfilled. So we can get rid of some of the mudbloods. " a smile apears on his face. " we can start right now , Bring them forward" a row of mudbloods chained by their feets start to walk to the middle of the arena , i scan every person in the line to see if Lilly is one of them. I cant find her in the line of people. He did keep his promise but that doesnt change the fact that all these innocent people are going to get killed just for being themselfs. " lets begin " voldemort announces with a big smile on his face , al the deatheaters hold up there wands en wait for the order. Thomas just stands there. " NOW " voldemort orders and with that every deatheater speaks the same words
" Avada Kedavra "
it looks like one big green cloud. Voldemort laughs his laugh sounds the same as Thomas does. The mudblood and halfblood stand look at the scène with tears in their eyes. Voldemort turns around. "Be thankfull for every day you can wake up in this beautifull world we created , because every day can be your last" en with that he dissapears a big black cloud leaving behind. All the deatheaters do the same. A skull appears in the clouds. I look to my side to look at my father. " lets go home sweetheart , i cant look at them anymore" my father says with tears in his eyes , meaning the mudbloods laying dead in the middle off the arena.
Life will be even wors from now on.
"Yes please" i look back at my father tears rolling down my cheeks. Did Thomas know about this ? Hé told me not to worry as long as i would behave. He lied , hé didnt kept that promise......

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