Cabin (smud)

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I wake up to Thomas trying to get his arm back from underneath me , i look at the window to see its still dark outside. He tries to be as carefull as posible and the expresion on his face is priceles. He wiggles until he finally gets his arm back.
I try to hold in my laughter but cant any longer.
"Really your awake" hé says while making his way out of the bed. "Im sorry sir" a grin on my face. "I really need to go now , go to sleep" hé puts on his jacket and shoes that are standing next to the bed. "Are you coming back?" I ask , pathetic i know but being with him is better then alone. Thats a lie i tell myself knowing damn well i just enjoy his company even after what hé did to me today. "This is what im talking about Olivander , your to good for people , and i hate to admit it but i dont deserve it , i deserve everything because im perfect but you know what i mean" a grin on his face. I role my eyes and look back at the window again. He is right hé doesnt deserve it. "Can i come with you?" I say without thinking about it. He stops putting on his shoes and turns his head. "I dont think its something you enjoy Olivander" he's probably right but i dont care , everything is better then being alone with my toughts.

"Well if you insist , put on some clothes ... warm ones" i throw off the blanket and put on sweatpants and a sweater , wel Thomas his sweatpants and sweater. They are way to big but they will do. "Im ready" i say , Thomas looks at me up and down and roles his eyes. "Shoes Olivander" i put on the shoes i had on when we appeared here and follow Thomas trough the hallway down the stairs and into the garden. He stops and puts two fingers in his mouth and makes a whissle sound. He looks up at the sky. I look up and down between him and the dark sky above us. Im starting to think he's fooling me when a white spot appears in the sky above us. The wind almost makes me fall when the dragon lands infront of us. Thomas walks towards him and pets him before climbing on to his neck. "Come on then" hé says while holding out his hand for me to climb on to the huge animal. "You said i woudnt enjoy this" i say while the dragon makes his way up. "You think i fly around on my dragon every night?" Hé asks me with a teasing tone.

I look down at the lights , there is something about this few i love , it feels like you're free , nothing more then yourself the beautifull dragon and the wind trough your hair.... and Thomas ofcourse. The view gets darker and darker until we reach a huge mountain in the middle of the ocean on top a little cabin with the lights on. The dragon puts his huge claws on the edge of the mountain and Thomas helps me of on the land. "Dont speak" hé orders and i nod my head. We walk towards the cabin and hé opens the door. Inside Malfoy , Corvus , and three other man who ive never seen before. Probably other deatheaters , they are standing around a table with a huge map on it on the map the army of deatheaters walking in a village a few hours from ours. "What is shé doing here , are you out of your mind?" Malfoy asks boldly , Corvus doesnt even aknowledge me. Well thats a first i think to myself. "Well after what happend today the chances she does something to herself are high , and i hate to admit it but we need her" Malfoy looks at me and i quickly bow my head down. He then looks at Thomas who doesn't pull a muscle in his face. "Makes sense" Malfoy says and then turns back towards the map. "So Lord , they started here but they got in some trouble so they had to change their route this way
..." hé rambles on about the map and Thomas nods and now and then makes a comment or a order about the plans for the army so they can take over the village.

From the corner of my eye i see Corvus looking at me with cleched jaws and clenched fists. It takes everything in me not to turn around and smile at him knowing it wil make him furious. His eye is black , a cut goes from one side of his nose to the other and his lip is busted. "Corvus are you listening?" Malfoy says and Thomas looks up at Corvus and then at me behind him. Thomas turns his face towards Corvus and looks at him. "Sorry Lord" hé says and puts his focus back on the map infront of him. "So everyone knows what is expected of them?" Thomas asks. "Yes Lord" they say all at once , they walk towards the table infront of me and pick up their masks , they put them on and dissapear in black dust. "That wasnt to bad" i say.
Thomas laughs "What did you tought? I was going to kill people infront of you again , or beat up another one of your friends husbands" Wel i woudnt be to suprised about the killing part. "I dont have anymore friends sir , so that wasnt on my mind" i smile back at him thinking about how sad it actually is i dont have friends anymore since Elly is mad at me.

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