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"We cant tell her Lord , we need her and now even more" i hear Malfoys voice inside the cabin. "Why do we need her , veritaserum excist you know" Corvus joins the conversation. "So you're the one who is going to make veritaserum for almost 100 people a day?" Malfoy scoffs back. "Everything is better then to see her" Corvus says. I hear Thomas walking up and down the cabin. "Corvus stop with your bullshit , i dont have time to listen to you whining about someone that rejected you in hogwarts" Hé and Malfoy both laugh. "That is not why i hate her" Corvus scoffs.
"Sure" Malfoy says "We can take her with us to the villages"
"No thats to dangerous , she cant handle that" Thomas responds. "We cant kill everyone without being sure , i will come up with something , give me one day" i hear Thomas walking in circles in the cabin while speaking to them. "Im out , i dont want to hear you two discuss that girl any longer" Coruvs says while i see the black cloud hé leaves from under the door. "Lord , please forgive me but there are rumors going around you started to care for the girl. If they reach your father she is in big trouble and you as well" Malfoy says unsure. "I dont Malfoy and i will tell my father that to , who is spreading that rumor anyways?" Malfoy clears his throat "Elly my Lord" hé says quitly.
"That stupid attention seeking bitch , you handle that for me , i cant because she will never speak again if i do , go Malfoy im done talking to you" i see the black smoke again.

"Eavesdropping on people is not nice of you Ollivander" Thomas swings the door open. I sit upright on the bed "Sorry sir , what is going to happen to Elly?" Thomas stands at the end of the bed. "I dont think you want to know , i dont want you to get mad at me again" hé answers. Why does everything needs to be resolved with violence , cant we just talk to eachother? Elly is just angry. Thomas almost flys towards me and his face is an inch away from my face. "Because my father will make me watch how hé tortures you to death , i like the way you scream but not in that way Olivander. Life isnt sunshine and happines and defintly not the world we live in today. Its kill or getting killed and you're really distracting me from what i need to do in order to stay alive" his eyes go back and forward between mine and i never seen him clech his jaw like this before. "Then just do what you need to do Sir" shit this wasnt smart. "Wel i try Olivander but you keep giving me an attitude or get angry with me and distract me" hé doesnt move. "Im sorry sir , sometimes i dont realize how serious our lifes have become since we left hogwarts. I will try to understand why you do the things you do , but please be honest with me before i wake up to another angry women , you arent secretly married are you?" Thomas starts to laugh "argh" hé groans " you're going to be the reason i will end up death" hé turns around and walks towards the door "can you please tell me what is going to happen to Elly sir?" I still care about her and dont want her to get killed because of a rumor. "She is pregnant with a pureblood so she wont get killed , but we will make sure she never tells a rumor again ..... thats hard without a tongue you see" my eyes widen. He laughs again "you wanted me to be honest Olivander" i swallow the lump inside my throat "i did sir" are the only words i can say out loud. "Get ready please i want to go home" hé closes the door.

Without a tongue , Malfoy is going to cut out her tongue? Corvus will think this is my fault hé will be furious. It is my fault , first Lilly now Elly im a murderer. I try to put on the sweater and sweatpants i had on yesterday but my hands are shaking uncontrolable. When i finally manage to put on the clothes from yesterday i take a deep breath and open the door "im ready sir" Thomas looks at me "im starting to think Revus was right when hé asked me if you were retarted" i look at him and raise my eyebrow , his eyes follow my body down to my feet. Shit i forgot my shoes again. Im starting to think Revus was right i mock him in my head , maybe i was thinking about my ex best friend whos tongue is going to be cut out. Stupid shoes stupid tongue stupid cabin. I throw the shoes against the wall. "What are you doing in there ?" I hear Thomas voice , i quickly pick the shoes back up and put them on. "Nothing sir almost done" i answer. "How long can it take to put on some shoes , hurry Olivander" yes yes i will. I walk out to Thomas whos standing there waiting for me. "Come here i want to go home" i look outside trough the window. "Wheres the dragon?" I ask him.
"In the forest ? Where hé needs to be in bright daylight" Great that feeling again. "Maybe you and Revus can share a room? Because your toughts are alot like his at this moment" a smile appears on my face , i put my arm around him again and we dissapear togheter.

Revus is waiting for us in the hallway when we appear. "Lord , Lord is here" Thomas nods his head towards Revus. "Go upstairs Olivander and dont make a sound" I walk up the stairs. I wish i could listen in on their conversation. perhaps the rumor has reached him. Well i hope not because im not in the mood to get tortured again.
"Ugly girl is thinking again" Revus appears in my room. "I cant im retarted" i growl back at Revus. "See i told Thomas" hé says as if hé discoverd something. "I WAS JOKING REVUS" i yell at him. "Keep your voice down ugly girl , Lord voldemort is in bad mood" hé puts his thick little finger against his lips. Shit i forgot about him. "Why?" I ask Revus thinking hé wont answer. "because village in the south is defeating his army , and Lord Thomas is responsible for that"
"Revus can you help me for a moment when you're done gossiping with miss Olivander"

Thomas is standing in the doorframe with his hand pressed against his stomach. His hand is red and the substance drops down on the floor quick. "Your bleeding" i gasp.
"No shit" Thomas groans. "Revus is coming sir" Revus appears in the hallway and runs around like a chicken without its head. "Where is it , where is it " Thomas rolls his eyes. I cant speak i just look at him standing there bleeding in my doorframe. "Revus it would be nice if you hurry up" his face is starting to go pale. "Lay down , NOW" i yell at Thomas hé slowly walks towards the bed and groans when hé lays down. "Feisty Olivander i like it"
Oh so now its feisty and not an attitude i think to myself but i quickly turn my attention back to Thomas and the situation. What is Revus doing? i walk to the hallway and stick my head out the door. "Im coming my Lord , dont die"Revus sprints inside and towards the bed , hé starts to pull out bottles of al sizes and reads the labels. "This one ... ooh yes and this one" he starts to pour little drops of the potions on Thomas stomach , Thomas groans in return. His stomach slowly stops bleeding and the colour is coming back in his face. "Good job Revus" Revus stands up and looks around proud. "Now rest my Lord , come on ugly girl" hé looks at me and walks towards the door. "Its allright Revus she can stay , its her room" Thomas says while catching his breath from the pain hé experienced a few minutes ago. "Ugly girl's room , whole house is going to smell , Lord needs to rest" hé mumbles while walking out the door.
I lay down on the bed next to Thomas. "Why did hé do this to his own son" i think out loud. "Because hé loves me so much " Thomas says sarcastic. "You told me you were going to be honest" Thomas rolls his eyes. "Olivander this isnt the first time hé does this , i made a mistake and needed to pay for it , well i did and now we act like it never happend and it would be nice if you did the same im not in the mood right now" If my father cursed me for everything i did wrong i would be dead allready i think to myself , he's right, now is not the time. I carefully lay my head against Thomas. "We need to do something about this Olivander because i dont want to be cursed again , maybe i can find a way for you to go back home or somewhere else where i know your safe" I feel tears starting to build in my eyes. "Yes Sir" is the only thing i can say. "I will look in to it tommorow , for now just stay here and dont say anything" i do as hé says while putting my arm over him an hugging him without hurting his stomach , knowing that he means it and soon everything will be different again.

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