Let me go.

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"I'm pregnant , i will die"

He slowly turns around and smiles , he walks back upstairs untill his face is only an inch away from mine.

"You. Will. Not. Die."

I look at Thomas as drops of water find their way down my body. I squeeze the towel tied around my body harder and I start to cry.

"You don't understand, I'm pregnant, I'm going to die anyway Thomas, the spirit lives on in our son's body and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"I understand it better than you think, but there has to be a way, there has to be!"

"You're not going to an Order hideout, are you? You're going to your mother, please tell me you're not torturing her for an answer... that's not there, there's no solution."

I can see in his eyes that he alternates between anger and incomprehension, probably because of my acceptance that I am dying, he probably thinks that I have given up.I would like to point out to him that he lied, but when I put my hand on my stomach I realize that I also lied.

"I'll kill everyone, I'd die myself before I let you die. You can't leave me alone with a child, I can't take care of a child alone, I'm a thoroughly bad person!"

"I'm coming with you"

he laughs and looks at me

"no you won't"

"if I say I'm going with you, I'm going with you Thomas Riddle end of discussion."

I turn around, slightly afraid that he will get angry, but he doesn't say anything, I walk into the bedroom and put on the first clothes I find before I walk back to Thomas who is still standing on the stairs.

"for fuck sake Ollivander, if you wanna be rough at least do it right!!! put on your fuckin shoes and come."

Those rotten shoes every time, but I'm allowed to participate, a win is a win. I hear Thomas laughing when I quickly turn around to put on my shoes and when I come back he stretches out his arm with his eyes rolling, I take his hand and we disappear together.

To my surprise, his mother was not tortured at all, and she is sitting comfortably in the cabin where we have stayed before.

"hello mother"

"oh there you are, where are my glasses? I don't understand it"

"second drawer of your bedside table mother"

Thomas rolls his eyes and sits on the chair where I have sat before, Sybil runs to the bedroom and comes back with her glasses on her nose. she sits down and looks up and down between me and Thomas, she smiles at me and holds out her hand to accept it.

"We are going to look for a solution and until then...."

she mutters a spell and when I look down I see my stomach sticking out a little bit and I feel more uncomfortable than ever before.Thomas looks at the small change in my stomach and smiles at me, no matter how sweetly he means it, a sweet smiling Thomas is a funny sight. I laugh and look at Sybil who hasn't changed a bit and is still in a confused state, I can't describe how grateful I am for their efforts but nothing can be changed, I'm just going to die and I'll do anything to to bring this child into the world healthy and now that I see that Thomas has made peace with his mother, I am a lot less worried knowing that there is a tiny bit of love somewhere in that black heart of his, unless this is another trick on his part to get his way, that option is of course still there.

"Suppose Ollivander really dies and the child is born, is the child also immortal like she was?"

Sybill nods her head and I'm already starting to doubt my thoughts from less than a minute earlier. what if he makes him a horcrux? I want to leave, I want to get out of here, I want to run away as far as my legs take me but it has no purpose, he will find me anyway and Mattheo... I mean our son will end up with him anyway. I have romanticized everything in my head like the stupid naive bitch I am since I kissed Thomas for the first time, He is exactly the same as he has always been and I have fallen for all the ridiculous talk over and over again, excuse after excuse I have for him in my head and I have now even involved a child in it, a child that I am also going to leave with him. No, he has been good to me, he just wanted to be sure, he is really going to take good care of him, right?no, I'm fooling myself, I have no one left, I have no friends or family, no one at all, just him, only Thomas, he has me exactly where he wants and it's my own fault. Twice I have thrown away the chance of not having to see Thomas again and I have run back like a happy child straight into the arms of the bad wolf, which I have turned into a tame lamb in my head. he is still a narcissist why am i running back ? his sweet words? his perfect sex capacity? the hope that he will change for me and really love me? but he also really loves me, he has said and shown that himself, oh Ollivander, do you believe it yourself?I can kill myself? and kill your own child, come on Ollivander, he deserves a chance, maybe he can change his father, he also has a part of your character, but who am I anyway? who am I really? I have no idea who I am anymore other than Thomas' girlfriend, I was just a game for him and the sex was a nice side effect, he had no use for the fact that I am ammortal but now he will soon have a son with the same curse and I'm dead, I can't stop him and he has his horcrux that cannot be destroyed and will live forever thanks to his son.and I just threw it into his lap, voluntarily given it, all he had to do is pretend he cared about me every now and then and I fell for it, every time I think I have figured him out but time and time again I am too late.
the scar on my arm represents the only time he thought that maybe he really couldn't manipulate me anymore and then his true nature emerged, but I still went back for that little bit of attention that made me feel again and again like the girl who changed Thomas Riddle, who made Thomas Riddle feel. his followers will know that I am part of his bigger plan, of course they know that and they probably all laughed at me.I look at Thomas who is grinning at me from his place on the chair and the panic sets in even more, does he know what I am thinking? did he know that all along? did he lie? of course I really thought I was strong enough to shut Thomas out of my mind, of course not, you stupid bitch.he looks back at his mother, why does he insist on keeping me alive? maybe he just really loves me? I've thought this so many times but now I'm really starting to go crazy. Thomas looks at me again and grins again and when I follow his eyes I see that I am unconsciously rubbing my stomach with my hand, and that is why he is grinning. what if he really cares about me and just wants to keep me with him?


Thomas and Sybill both look at me in shock and I notice that my breathing is getting faster.

"Take it easy, there's nothing wrong honey, we're going to save you."

he takes my hand and when I look down his hand slowly changes into the boney hand his father had, when I look up his face is more like that of a snake and I panic even more.


"what's wrong with you, of course I'm Thomas"

I look at Sybill as she looks back and forth in confusion and, as touching as it normally is, I am now annoyed by her silly look.

"It is the spirit that is increasingly taking over your son's body"


Thomas looks at his mother and appears to be panicking as his face changes from his to his father's.

"do something mother!"

"I can't do anything it will only get worse."

I get up from the couch and walk around the living room and after what feels like an eternity to me, all my fear has suddenly disappeared and so have my insecurities, scared of my own thoughts, I start to cry hysterically and I look at Thomas who is completely baffled.

"It's only going to get worse Ollivander, sorry You will soon no longer feel any emotions and will no longer recognize anyone."

"There has to be a solution, there has to be."

"sorry Thomas there is no solution."

"she's the only person I've ever had feelings for you don't understand."

he takes my arm and we disappear together back to the cold but charming house that once belonged to his father. He immediately turns around when we arrive and walks away, when I call his name he stops and stands with his back to me. is he crying now? is Thomas Riddle really crying right now? I feel guilty about the thoughts I had earlier, but I'm still suspicious somehow.

"put me to sleep, I don't want to live like this... this is not life anymore. make sure our son can grow and when it's time wake me up, I will die shortly afterwards I don't know who you are anymore at that moment .... now I can say goodbye."


I slowly walk towards him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"There isn't one Thomas, let's just do it please? Now I can say goodbye normally please."


he quickens his pace and disappears at the end of the hallway.

Black pearl | Thomas Riddle | Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now