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The first week and a half flew by , turns out Steffie is great company and an even better cook. Gemma kept her promise and has send us a bucket off food everyday. Steffie showed me the forest around the cabin and we visited a lake. Still my toughts keep going back to Thomas and how mad he must be. Maybe he isnt looking anymore and gave up? I know thats not the case but i need to keep myself sane. One time we tought someone had found us but it turned out to be a centaur, luckely he was alone and we didnt disturb him. They can be dangerous when disturbed by people or when their in groups. I even miss Thomas sometimes , i know he is the reason im sitting here in a cabin in the middle of the woods but still , the image of his face keeps popping up in my toughts. The way his lips felt against mine , his beautifull face with his sharp features , how he towers out over me ...well over almost everyone considering his height. I even tought about going back , just to see him even if that means he kills me , pathetic i know. Steffie is great dont get me wrong but it doesnt compare to my time with Thomas in the slidest way , it was dangerous , mysterious and dark. Now every day is the same , i cant believe that im saying this but I miss the tension i even mis the fear of not knowing what the next day is going to look like.

"thinking again?"Steffie looks at me with a smile. "Yes , sorry Steffie" I walk outside and sit in the chair next to hers on the porch. "I understand Olivander dont worry about it , i do to. Mostly about leaving the cabin move somewhere else and starting a new life..... one without fear". She looks at me with tears in her eyes. How sad have our lives become , witches can live till a hundred years and maybe even more. I cant think about living here this way for all those years... the tought alone makes me want to stand up and start running again. I would rather be killed by Thomas.

We both look at eachother when we hear a strange noise.... The bucket appears. "strange , Gemma never send me a bucket at his time" Steffie says while walking towards it. "theres a letter in here ... its for you" She waves the letter above her head. For me ? i walk towards Steffie while she reaches her arm out for me to take the letter.

Olivander , is written on the envelope. I raise my eyebrow and rip the envelope open.

Olivander ,

They are getting close , Thomas was in the cafe a few days ago. He knows i'm the last one that saw you before you dissapeared , he keeps an eye on me.....

You need to move , use the compas in the bucket. Its enchanted and will lead you to another save spot. Dont take Steffie with you.

Love Gemma.

"and?" Steffie says while trying to read the letter. "i need to move , they are getting close" I look inside the bucket and take the compas out. When i flip it open i see a hand with his index finger out pointing towards the forest. " yesss , finally some tension... i start packing right now!!" Steffie runs towards the cabin. "come Olivander what are you waiting for?" i dont want to leave the cabin and i dont want to go without Steffie .... I dont want to be alone and especialy not when Thomas is getting close. "the letter says you cant come"i turn to look at Steffie "well thats dissapointing .... I would love some adventure after all this time but Gemma will have her reasons for it. Its fine Olivander i will make your bag. I will put some off my clothes in it and food. How long do you have to walk?" I look down at the compas ... i have no idea. "i dont know.... " i look up at Steffie. "it will be fine , you have to believe in yourself!"i give Steffie a smile after her sweet words but to be honest i dont believe anything anymore.

"Here is your bag , you got this Olivander!" she gives me a big hug. I told you she was a hugger , I had alot off them the past week and a half. I flip open the compas and walk in the direction it points to. Steffie waves at me with the biggest smile i have ever seen. "you got this!!!!"i wave back and give her a smile , not as big as hers but im trying. I had hoped she would still come but i understand , she isnt in danger at the moment so why look for it. i walk deeper and deeper in to the forest. The finger stops at a big tree and points down , i follow the tree with my eyes untill they reach the bottom. A book is laying against the tree. The finger starts to tap the glass of the compas and points down again like its telling me to hurry. I pick up the book and flip threw the pages .... Its empty. I stare at the book before i lay it back on the ground again. The hand inside the compas is sticking its thumb up at me. So im heading in the right direction i think to myself. Maybe its a porky ..... i lift my foot and let it down above the paper , before it touches the paper i get sucked in. I appear in what looks like the same forest i was in a few minutes ago.... The book closses and flys up in to the air and comes down as rain in a million little pieces . I'm just gonna ignore that i think to myself. I stand up and open the compas again. Its pointing again , i follow the directions untill i reach a lake with a boat in it , on the other side of the lake i see a cabin. That must be the safe spot Gemma mentioned in the letter. I get inside the boat and it starts to move slowly over the water until i reach the other side. I walk on to the land and stand still in front of the cabin. It looks almost the same as the cabin on the mountain i spend the night in with Thomas. Thinking about Thomas again..... i walk towards the frontdoor and slowly open it scared for another suprise. When i make sure no one is inside i walk in and look around. It also looks the same on the inside.... IT LOOKS THE SAME ON THE INSIDE .... Fuckfuck ... this cant be good. I turn around and run towards the door when Thomas appears and closes the door before standing infront of it. "how was your vacation Olivander?" Hé looks at me up and down. "Make it quick" i close my eyes waiting for the curse to hit me. If hé just gets it over with i think to myself. "Open your eyes Olivander you look like an idiot" Thomas says. I peek one eye open to see him standing in the same spot with his hands in his pockets leaning against the door. "I have to admit.... it took me some time to find you. It hit me when i heard that Gemma was really protective over a bucket beneath the sink when my deatheaters searched her cafe. Did you enjoy the bacon?" I raise my eyebrow "i tought you would like it. The last two meals before the letter where on the house" hé has a grin on his face. Im standing there not able to speak. "Im also impressed you managed to steal a wand.... Not that Corvus is the brightest but still... Here a present" hé throws something on the ground infront off me that looks like a pink sponge. "What is that?" I ask him.
"Elly's tongue , i tought since you are gone i might as well do it myself" My stomach turns at the side infront off me and i feel like im going to throw up. "Oh i almost forgot , here 100 galleons" hé looks at me "pick them up come on , you deserve them for finding Steffie" my emotions are all over the place and i start to cry. "Dont cry now Olivander you know i hate it" hé laughs. "Just kill me" I get out between my sobs. "No im not going to kill you Olivander! The fun just started , bring her in!" Hé orders and two deatheaters walk in with Steffie. "Just kill me instead , please Thomas" She looks like shes in some kind of trance because she doesnt move or speak. hé walks towards Steffie. "No no Olivander thats not how it works.... i need you and I dont need her , AVADA KEDAVRA" hé screams out and Steffie's head falls down. "It would be nice if you just had listend but here we are" Hé waves his hand and the deatheaters walk away with Steffie's body. He storms towards me and lifts me up by the neck while my feet dangle in the air. "LOOK AT ME" i open my eyes and look in to his , they are black and scream anger "NEVER. EMBARRAS. ME. AGAIN." He screams in my face. "Yes sir" i manage to get out. I start to kick my feet when i feel that i cant breath my hands try to loose the grip off his hand on my neck. Without warning hé lets go of me and drops me on the ground. "Why do you make everything so hard , i slept next to you , i told you my feelings and then you just run away?" Im trying to catch my breath "mmmy fffather" hé looks at me from above. "What ?" Hé just says.
"Mary told me that he died" Hé jus stares at me while scraping his throat. "I wanted to tell you Olivander but you were gone.... i had nothing to do with it i promise , it was the curse his health declined i even offerd to bring him to a healer" Is hé lying ? Maybe hé just wants me back on his good side. "No Olivander , lying isnt in my nature" hé says. No murdering people and torture them is more your nature i think by myself. He kneels down and lifts my head. "Stop with the attitude , im serious this time Olivander..... i really like you but there is a line and you're an inch away from crossing it" his eyes go back and forward between mine the anger made place for a confused look. "You made me look like a fool , i cant take you back to my house now because people will talk about it.... i dont think you understand what you did! " I do understand what i did..... but i cant take it back and his mixed emotions dont help right now. "You will stay here while i figure out what im going to do with you.... give me your wand" hé holds up his hand , i take my wand out and place it in his hand. "Im sorry , i really tought you killed my dad or were responsible for it..... " i look at him.
"Stop thinking so much Olivander , i told you before.... its done now , i dont understand how you tought i woudnt find you ? I would go anywhere to find you..." Hé changes his posture "Now get up before im helping you again , im done with your stupid behaviour you look like an idiot. You will stay here and behave everything will be locked so dont even try. One more mistake and you wish you were never born" i nod my head and make my way to the chair i sat in while listening to Thomas talking to his deatheaters about the war. "And stop with your doe eyes , its driving me insane" hé rolls his eyes and walks out the door.
Good job Olivander good job.....

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