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Third person's pov!

"Watch where you are going!" A voice snapped at her, breaking through her reverie.

She looked up to see Siddharth Singh Raichand, standing before her, his expression a mixture of annoyance and disdain.

Her eyes widened in horror seeing him.

Did he come to drag her to his palace and throw her into the dungeon?

"Don't think you can lock me in your dungeon! Even if you do, I know how to escape from there. Do you understand?" She said in a warning tone and his nostrils flared in anger listening to her blabbering.

Siddharth was at a loss of words. If he hadn't listened to her phone calls with her friend, he wouldn't have understood what nonsense she was talking about. But now he knows what bl*ody nonsense she was talking.

Siddharth's jaw clenched as he struggled to contain his rising frustration.

"What on earth are you babbling about now, Ms Vyas?" He snapped, his tone laced with irritation.

Parinidhi squared her shoulders, refusing to back down in the face of Siddharth's intimidating presence.

"This is not your palace, Mr Rakshas. This is a public place. So don't expect me to tolerate your mannerless behaviour." Nidhi said angrily.

Siddharth's eyes narrowed, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features.

"Mannerless behaviour? Coming from you, that's rich," he scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You are the one who barged into my bedroom without my permission. You are the one who tried to steal my designs from right under my nose. You are the one who's always causing chaos wherever you go. And you call me mannerless? Strange!"

Parinidhi's nostrils flared as she glared at him, her frustration reaching its boiling point.

"Oh, please! Don't act like you are a perfect gentleman when we both know otherwise. You are a prejudiced and paranoid man, who jumps into conclusions without listening to what the other person has to say. Only a paranoid man would suspect an angel-like girl who accidentally got into your room and very accidentally saw your drawings, to be a thief, Siddharth Raichand." Nidhi said dramatically.

Siddharth's temper flared at her accusation, his hands curling into fists at his sides.

"You have no idea what you are talking about, Ms Vyas," he seethed, his voice dangerously low. "You are just a nuisance, a thorn in my side that I thought I had gotten rid off after that day.."

Parinidhi's eyes flashed with indignation, her resolve strengthening in the face of Siddharth's hostility.

"Oh, I am sorry if I am not willing to bow down to your every whim like everyone else," she retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

The air crackled with tension as their argument escalated, each refusing to back down from the other. Passersby glanced their way, casting curious glances at the heated exchange unfolding before them.

Siddharth took a step closer to Parinidhi, his eyes burning with intensity.

"You are playing a dangerous game, Ms Vyas," he warned, his voice low and menacing. "And trust me, you won't like the consequences if you continue down this path."

Parinidhi met his gaze head-on, her chin lifted defiantly.

"I am not afraid of you, Mr Raichand," she declared, her voice unwavering. "I will stand up to you no matter what it takes."

"Really? Let's see how you are going to stand up to me when I file a lawsuit against you for trespassing into my property in Manarola." Siddharth said, with a smirk and Nidhi froze for a moment.

How the hell does he know that? She narrowed her eyes at him and saw him staring down at her menacingly.

Rakshas! She mumbled under her breath angrily.

"Well, if feeding the doves is a crime, so be it. Waiting for the authorities to ring my doorbell. Mr Raichand." With that, she turned on her heel and strode away, leaving Siddharth standing there, his fists clenched in frustration.

Siddharth stepped into the cafe and ordered a coffee for himself. He was seething. He cursed himself for stopping for coffee before leaving for Ratnagiri. This was his favourite coffee in the city and he wanted to have it as he won't be able to have it for another week.

As the barista handed over his coffee cup, he walked out, ordering Mukul to inform his pilots that he would be there in another five minutes.

"Oh god! Oh god! What will I do now? I just challenged him because I didn't want to lose. What if he really sent the police? Hey bhagwan! I am dead today. Bhadra Bua would definitely kill me if I brought police to her doorstep. Her husband was an army man. A respected man in the society. If I bring police to that doorstep, Bhadra Bua would disown me." Nidhi spoke to herself as she walked towards the bus station.

As Nidhi hurried towards the bus station, her mind raced with a flurry of curses aimed squarely at Siddharth. Each step fueled her mounting frustration, and she couldn't shake the image of his smug face from her mind.

"Rakshas! That pompous, arrogant, self-righteous man," she muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with venom.

"Who does he think he is, threatening me with a lawsuit? Just because I accidentally stumbled into his precious property? It's not like I meant to intrude! Okay! It wasn't accidental. I had seen the doves flying into the tower of that palace. I was just curious and I wanted to feed the doves. Is that a crime? It's not as if I stole something from there."

Her thoughts churned with a mixture of anger and anxiety, the weight of Siddharth's threat bearing down on her like a heavy burden.

"And why does he have to be so damn intimidating?" she seethed silently. "Always towering over me, looking down on me like I am some insignificant speck of dust."

With each passing moment, her resentment towards Siddharth grew, fueled by the fear of the consequences his actions might bring.

"I swear, if he actually follows through with that lawsuit, I will never forgive him," she vowed to herself, her fists clenched at her sides.

At the exact same time, her phone rang. She attended the call on the second ring.

"Hello, Nidhi. This is Viraj. I called to inform you that I have arranged an interview for you for tomorrow.."

"Oh! But I haven't sent you the resume yet." Nidhi said in confusion.

"Ah! That's alright. They are hiding for an errand girl post." Viraj said.

"Oh, alright. Where is this office?" Nidhi asked curiously.

"Rey Designs!" 


Here goes the next shot..

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